What is it you have not been brave enough or clear enough to take a stand on. 

Most people won’t take a stand as they are terrified of criticism, or scared of failing, or being attacked and judged.

I have not done things in the past that would have made my life better because I didn’t think I was ready, and that it could lead to criticism of what it is I was going after.

But that is not leading by example, living a way that allows you to grow and get better.

When does it stop, when does not having the courage to go after what you want cost you more long term.

Hiding is so much more painful and hurts more than taking a stand and having the courage to go after what you want, regardless of the opinions of others.

The fact is people are gonna talk sh1t anyway, they might as well talk sh1t while you go after what you want.

What if you have been handed the tools to make it better but the fear stops you taking action.

So a question to you is:

What do you want and what's the current fear that is stopping you from going after it?

Is it your body, do you feel you could get hurt?

Is it that you think you’re not good enough?

Or is it that others wouldn’t agree and that conflict feels too much hassle right now?

If it’s people talking sh1t there is nothing you can do about that, because the fans in stands talk, the players on the pitch play and you can be either a fan or a player you can’t be both.

If you don’t want to be a fan that talks and wanna play a different game, 

Then it’s here


John Seton 

Nice one