Tiger Mind
Sports physiology teaches athletes to
visualize their success
Golfers have been told for years to picture
the shot
Apparently tigers woods said he could hear
his father saying “putt to the picture”
every time he stepped up to a putt.
But most people spend their time telling
themselves what they CAN’T do,
What they SUCK at
So for years people have spouted “positive
thinking” before you do anything,
Now in not saying this doesn’t work
It’s not what I’m here for, but
I do know that if you don’t believe what
you are telling yourself it doesn’t matter.
If fellas believe they are too old,
Can’t eat right,
Can’t putt or
Can’t hit a 3 wood then it doesn’t matter
how much they TELL themselves that they can
if they truly BELIEVE they Can’t.
But change your beliefs and it’s a whole
different story.
You do that by adding doubt then showing
evidence of the opposite.
I guarantee that if you think back you can
find a time when you whole heartedly
believed something as completely true that
now you no longer believe,
What happened,
First there was some doubt that popped up,
Then more and more evidence was added to
support the opposite then that’s it,
You just don’t believe it anymore
What if you could do this for anything?
Any belief that’s holding back your
progress in
Your body,
Your business,
It’s just about asking the right questions,
cos you know the answers you just have to
get out of your own way
John “Questions” Seton
PS beliefs are just thoughts you have been
thinking for a long time,
Change your thoughts, change your beliefs,
change the game