We are the sum total of our thoughts, habits, behaviours and the people we spend the most time with. 

And if our thoughts, habits and behaviours tell us to give up, put it off till tomorrow or worse, that we are too old to do it then that's what we will believe. 

The fact is you are not too old to get better and improve, You are just too stuck in your “old ways” to get the results you want. 

Think about that for a second, everything we come up against is based on what we have seen or experienced before. 

If you are on a hole that has caused you problems before, you will take those previous problems into the hole with you and that will guide your decisions. (Have you ever played a hole for the first time and somehow missed all the trouble because you never knew it was there). 

The same thing happens with any action in trying to get better. 

You take in all the previous experiences and see all the trouble and that affects your decision making and what you believe is possible, for you. 

If you associate with people that are exactly like you, you will all believe the same things of what's possible for you all. 

This keeps everyone at the same level, all believing what's possible and not possible for each other without ever really seeing the truth. 

And the truth is; 

“We are only limited by what we believe”. 

Change your beliefs and you can change your results. 

No one will ever give the required amount of effort if they believe it’s a lost cause, and anyone who doesn’t put in the effort will never have the result. 

So start with what you believe is possible and go from there. 

Wanna know what we do in Unbreakable?

First I’ll walk you through how to start changing your beliefs so you can see that taking action when you don’t think it's possible is not real action. 

Then we align that with what you really want as your results, 

Finally I show you how to build out an action plan to go after it and how to keep going even when you don't feel like it. 

Then I give you the exact tools that I used and were taught to me to not only get progress but also build new habits that have others asking you “how can you do that?” rather than saying “you can't do that”. 

And they can't say “you can’t do that?” because you are already fucking doing it 


John Seton 

Nice one