UNBreakable golfers

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Training From Sonic

Believe it or not I'm a bit of a tech-tard

up until I started my first company, a
computer was something you played Sonic
the hedgehog and EA hockey on.

And that was my only training on them

A pc, well sitting in front of one was
as terrifying as a walk after a win down
seven sisters

(Nervous energy and ready to punch)

but I had to step up for business,

Learnt some stuff,

Messed up a sh*t load more.

so when it came to having my sites built,

I over paid to have them done quickly and
professionally, but it was up and
running... rapido.

When it comes to problems such as, site
host ect..

Having customer support is absolutely key,

Sometimes the info you get is like a
different language but still

Having acces to someone who knows more
than me is vital to getting what needs
doing, done

So when any, of the Unbreakable Golfers
had any issues

They got in touch (as part of their plan)

Had access to my info to help them for 28
days after.

Now, I dont know everything

I like live by the idea that if I'm the
smartest guy in the room

Then I'm in the wrong room

But I have been studied this stuff
intensely since feb 2011

And more "Importantly" unlike my
competition have tested this sh*t on

And dont teach anything I dont personally
do or have at least had results with

If you want access to me now, you get that
through Unbreakable Golfers

And guess what? you can get that through
this link


Happy Saturday

John "Not Joh" Seton