UNBreakable golfers

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Unbreakable Golfers Rule Number 2

"Only Compare Yourself to Yourself"

This gives you an option and focuses on growth rather than….

"The Game Of Comparison For The Weak"

(Can’t remember where I got that from, and when that happens I generally Credit either Ben Settle, Garrett J White or Paul Mort as over the years they have planted seeds in my brain that I can't stop growing) 


That’s when you compare yourself to those worse than you, just…

To feel better.

“At least I ain’t as bad as him”.

I used to use this in my failures

But it doesn’t help you grow, Not even a tiny bit,

Then there is the worst way to do it, comparing yourself to those better than you can be a problem too.


Example... the Facebook newsfeed.

You’re grafting, working a 16-hour session and struggling, still waiting for a client to pay you.

You see a Facebook post, of someone on holiday with their kids, you may feel guilty that you’ve been working so hard and not seen yours.

The fact is by using Rule 2

"Only Comparing Yourself To Yourself"

You can control the game.

You have a gauge of "Did I Improve On Yesterday"

If not, "Can I Be Better Tomorrow".

This puts you firmly in control of your goals, targets and outcomes and...

Stops you blaming others.

If its someone else's fault (Another Unbreakable Rule), you can't do anything about it can you, but….

If YOU are in control, YOU can fix it, 

You do that by trying to be better than yesterday, last week, last month, last year

Consistently improving.

If you play against yourself (instead of with yourself) you can actually grow.

So stop beating yourself up and just...

Beat yourself. (Get your mind out of the gutter)

We are all trying to either get better at Golf, 



Health and be better at staying calm under pressure while keeping a smile on our faces and you can do that by keeping score.

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John Seton