Unbreakable Rule 10

"Keep score on what YOU can control"

Heres a little secret...

Keeping score is the most important thing a man can do...


I am about to tell you but before we go into that lets see if you remember a few things,

When we were kids (and I use WE as me and you fella) we kept score on everything..

From who scored the most goals at lunch time, 

To how much we could eat, 

Keeping score is the first of two powerful things you can do to keep yourself accountable.

And the second powerful thing is competing against someone else that is playing the same game as YOU.

I'm not a smoker,

But many of my pals are, if they give up they can tell you how many days its been since they had a fag, 

That IS keeping score...

Its internal, something we all done as kids but two things happen that stop this.

One.. We are told / Learn that keeping score is showing off so we stop publicly doing it.

Two.. we tell ourself's that keeping score doesn't matter (but only if we fail or think we WILL fail)

But here's the belter, 

In golf with your HANDICAP we get to compete with other golfers in a fair game, 

Other players with different abilities and skills, but we play on a level playing field because of the BRILLIANT handicap system.

If we keep score of what we CAN control and not what is out of our hands we can stay consistant and enjoy it.

Heres the subtle difference on what we can and cant control

We cant control the outcome but we can control the process.


Putting ...

We cant control where the ball finishes but we can control if we practice putting.

Fitness ... 

We cant control how much weight we lose (the body is always adapting to the demands we put on it) but we can control if we walk every day

Focusing on what we can control (the process) and not the outcome means you can score it

"Did I Do X today, YES or NO" No stories of why we couldn't, not reasons or excuses just a simple yes or no. 

By focusing on what you can control, you can make it a fair game, 

And if we think we CAN win we will TRY to win.

Writing the score that is not good enough down is what motivates us to do better.

Returning a score card in a tough round of golf of 22 points when it seems everyone else scored in the 30's is embarrassing but...

Motivation to get better comes from this pain.

This statement from Unstoppable B*stard Paul Mort is the reason to always keep score

"If you lack the courage to keep score you will continue to justify your lack of results"

Play a game and keep score

If you wanna know what game we play, 

A game that helps us with our fitness, 

Our golf and being pain free

You need to go here


John Seton