Anyone when talking about investment,

Could tell us:

how much equity they have in their

What money they have in shares,

Ask most fellas what they invested in last
year they could...

Roll of a list of cool sh*t they own,

But ask them what specific investments
they made IN themselves and its a long

Unbreakable Rule number 3

Invest “in” yourself not just in “things”
for yourself

Make a plan to be better,

This could come from coaching,

Courses or even..

Studying a book... Notice the word study
not just read

The point is fellas are happiest when
making progress

When YOU can see an improvement you WILL
be happier,

Wake Up Warrior calls it the "GAP"

The gap between where you are now and
where you want to be.

All you have to do, however little, is to
close the gap every day

Invest IN yourself as well as buying new
cool stuff.

It can be as easy as studying a book

But if its golf you have in mind...

Then go here 

John Seton