"Focus on the fundamentals"

Nothing can be as simple than focusing on the fundamentals

But that’s not sexy is it.

So we all look for the new thing,

The new club,




But if we just focused on the fundamentals in whatever we do we will have success.

So why don’t we do it?

Our mind is set up for NEW.

And new is intersting.

That’s why all the ads you see, wether its on TV or facebook will say it.

It's also why you have "breaking news" on the 24 hour news channels because that’s what people want.

If you see breaking news across the bottom of sky sports news you go into looking like a puppy waiting for a treat

"What is this news that has just happend right now"

Normally its just pointless info you would have skipped over if you where reading the paper. 


Back to fundamentals.

Going on studies it’s said that it takes 28 days to 6 weeks to build a new habit and 10,000 hours to master a skill.

Do you think you can do either of them if you keep jumping from new to new to new.

That’s why at Unbreakable Golfers we focus on things that are fundamentals in golf AND...

Essentials in human movement.

So whatever your plan is

Whatever you are trying to achieve

Focus on the fundamentals of it and just see how you do.

If you wanna know what we do


Go here

John Seton