UNBreakable golfers

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Useless Golf Guy

Got a call from what you could call a
golf marketer

And he introduced himself like this

"Hi John, ive just been given your
details by the Doc at Sidcup
chiropractic clinic, We're from so and
so golf course in Kent and want to know
if you want to place an ad in our "

you get the point fella,

basically a corporate brochure

He told me all the benefits of this
offer and how many people will see it
(20,000) take it home and use it in the

I said it sounded good but I had a few

ME: fella I'm big on testing and
measuring so how many people out of
those who get the borcher will see my

Him: Well all of them

ME: am I on the cover?

Him: no

ME: then how can everyone see my ad?

Him: because you in it

So now I know this fella is not for me,

He is assuming and we all know that
assumption is the mother of all Fxck ups

And 20,000 was probably a stretch of the

You see a few years ago I would probably
have jumped at this

Just thinking I could just throw money
at something and it would bring results

But you can't, you need to be able to
see the numbers

And Measure them

Or it's just a guess or an opinion

If you can't measure it you can't
improve it And why would you not want to
improve anything

Here's what you do

get measurable data for whatever you
want to improve

Your putting in yardage sunk

How far you hit the ball the average out
of ten shots

How much range of motion you have in
your back in degrees

The last one I can tell you

And improve it in one session

Wanna get on the waiting list


John "Cover Boy" Seton

PS Fella the biggest improvement you
could make in your golf this winter
would be to Invest in yourself

