Every man and his dog has just set some

Give up smoking,

Lose weight,

Leave the Hampton alone

But without any plan of how to track and
measure it, just the outcome.

The problem is what if the result takes
time, how does anyone know how they are

One of the most important things to do is
to be aware of what you have to give up.

More importantly are you even willing TO
give it up.

Take smoking it’s more than the cigarettes,
are they willing to give up that f*ck you
fag. The one that when the sh*t hits the
fan they can go outside and cool down.

No amount of gum or patches can replace
that but there are other things that can.

Get those ideas in place first so that when
rage starts to build there’s something else
to release the rage.

Then decide if it’s worth it,

This will give you leverage on yourself.

A reason to keep going when you want to
break whatever goal you set

And stop the story of “its too hard” or “I
don’t realise I had to give this up as

The fact is if you can get completely clear
on what you have to give up to get what you

You can make a PROPER decision if it’s even
worth your time and effort

It’s about getting crystal clear

If you come to Unbreakable Golfer you will
be so clear about your golf and your body
you will know what and WHY it will change
your game

If you want in we start soon


John “give it up” Seton

PS don’t get this twisted, I’m not saying
don’t even try but if you don’t know what
sacrifices it will take to get what you

You just won’t do it

Nice one