UNBreakable golfers

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What Kermit The Frog Can Teach You About Your Body 

There's that old saying ( well, heavily paraphrased) 

Chuck Kermit the frog in a pot of boiling water and he will jump out double lively, BUT, gently place him in cool water, and very slowly turn the heat up and he will stay in there until it’s the start of the end of the muppets franchise. 

What happens is poor old Kermit had no idea that things are slowly getting worse, he knows it's not all good but thinks things ain't that bad. 

That thinking keeps him in the pot until it's too late and miss piggy has to explain to gonzo why it was curtains for Kermit. 

So what can you learn for Kermit's slow long and easily avoidable demise? 

“Things can't keep getting worse without doing something about it or ultimately the frog hits the fan”

With your body, it starts with clothes not fitting like they used to, a backswing that doesn't move as well, more aches and pains until something finally breaks and you think how in the hell did I get here. 

Don't be like Kermit, not only is he green with envy of golfers over 40 swinging the club like they are in their twenties and look like they’re in there thirty’s but, he's a frog and you ain't. ( however, I am very much like a chimp that's been let out into society). 

So be aware of things that are getting worse and take action to stop them before it goes way too far, even better take-action to reverse the effects and actually get better as you get older.

As-luck would-ave-it... 

I have just the thing but you must know this. 

It requires work, daily work (however somedays only minutes a day) 

It's also not easy if it was everyone would have the results that are possible. 

But it is a simple to follow plan, that destroys the bull-sheet excuses of time and not knowing what to do.

It's here and there are only 5 days left to get in the January one. 


John Seton

Nice one