UNBreakable golfers

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When You Can’t Be Fuuuuked

When You Can’t Be Foooked

When you’re ill or

Feel like sh*t,

You’re more likely to feel like burning
everything to the ground,

The fuse for nonsense is usually on the
short side

But we must battle through right, just get
to Saturday where we can rest and just
feel guilty about not spending time with
the kids.

Being ill is like being tired,

You become irritable,

Lack concentration


And certainly don’t deal with nonsense
that normally would be water off a ducks

That’s how I am right now.

Its not man flu thank god but potent
enough to mess with your progress

The fact is when we’re like that we need a
rest but...

How can we.

We have too much to do and no time to do
it in.

And any spare time will be flooded with
thoughts of what needs to be done.

And guilt for not doing it.

I’m gonna take my own advice,

Finish up the morning and then everything
else can wait.

John “ill” Seton

Ps I’ll let you know about the next
unbreakable Golfers

Just not today my friend