The BMI scale does take some heat but we gotta remember it’s just an indicator.

It’s an indicator of potential health risks and illnesses.

Like not wearing a seatbelt, in the way that it doesn’t mean you’re going to be "in" a car accident.

Having a high or low BMI doesn’t mean you’re definitely going to be ill or have health issues.

However like not wearing a seatbelt if you do smash into another motor the chances of you being OK are worse. 

Same with your BMI, if you do have health issues, they can be more likely regardless of where they might come from. It could come from:

your family, 

your environment, 

or in your job,

Most people only know their BMI when they calculate it on some sort of system like the ones in the gym or even when they used the yoga thing on the Nintendo Wii.

But it’s a simple calculation, you take your weight in kilograms, divide that by your height in meters, and with that answer, divide by your height in meters again.

To maintain a healthy weight, it's recommended to have roughly a BMI of 20 to 25.

Being outside these markers either too high or too low does increase your chances of health and illness issues.

Just being aware of this allows you to make better choices and set better targets because of the long-term goals of trying to be more healthy. 

But no one “really” wants to be healthy do they. 

They say they do but they don't unless something happens, the "full English" hits the fan and, they realise they have to change something lively. 

This is why setting targets that matters to you is the only way you will have any change, whether it be in your body,

your golf 

in how calm or how stressed you are 

or the way you want to change the way you live.

Set targets that you actually care about, and if you can set them based on not only moving towards pleasure i.e. a better outcome,

But also moving away from pain or a crash without a seatbelt on.

Have a measurement, a baseline that tells you how far you are out of it, gives you the ability to get leverage on yourself to take the actions you need and get the results you want. 

A healthy marker for the body in regards to health is BMI

A healthy marker for the body in regards to the golf swing is the TPI screen

Get screened, know your markers, get leverage on yourself and take the actions you need to become better tomorrow than you are today... 

John Seton 

Nice one...