No fear right,

This was a story I told myself for years,
then this brain boom was sent my way

"Then why do you procrastinate?"


It was for me anyway,

Because if you are putting something off,

something you KNOW you should do,

something you know will make things better
once its done

Then why wouldn't you do it.

Why would you continue to put it off,

It comes down to fear,

^ ^ ^ Thats hard to take right ^ ^ ^

This dosent have to be sh*t you pants
scary like the scariest movie ever made

"Fatal Attraction"

Lets be honest who wants to live through
that nightmare

Give me nightmare on elm street or friday
the 13th over a crazy women with a knife

I digress...

The point is fear is there to protect you.

To stop you doing stupid things like
reenacting scenes from jackass when you're
drunk (Done that)

But its also fear that will stop you
trying something new just so your pride
dosent get hurt,

Or god forbid YOU make a mistake.

When did that become a thing, grown men
being terrified of making mistakes

So if you are putting something off
because you're not sure if it will succeed
ask these 2 questions

Do YOU really want what you say you want?


No stories, no maybes, just yes or no.

If you refuse to live in the land of maybe
you will get a lot more done.

If the answer is NO thats cool, you've
just saved yourself a shed load of time
and energy by not going after something
you never had the commitment to do


If the answers is YES

Then ask yourself if your fear of making a
mistake, making the wrong choice is

The payoff,

The result of getting what you want,

If it is then we can begin to set powerful

And that is where growth lives, as long as
you dont fear making mistakes.

To learn how to build your goals out so
that you just STOP stopping and giving up

Then we'll show you here

John "Mistakes" Seton