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Man Flu Nutrition

To say I feel better this morning is an

Can’t say I’m ready to grab the world by
the balls but at least it’s not like
someone is gonna feel a boot up their ass
and I may survive the day

But what else can you add to your lemsip
cold and flu tablets so that you can
recover quicker and start cracking away at
getting better again

First of all just be aware that when the
body’s under ANY stress it will seek
temporary control to try to feel better

That’s why you will try to sedate with
your own type of choice






Even constantly checking social media

When you’re ill food is the one most
likely but who knows what we’re capable of

So getting your nutrition right can help
you recover

What did I do?

Every morning I have the following anyway

Green smoothie

Fish oil

Vitamin d3

But the primary focus yesterday was to add

1000 mg of vitamin c and not eat anything
classed as sh*t

That’s it

(Vitamin c came in the form of borocca
tablets but other vitamin c tablets are
available, ha)

That’s all I added and all I’ll
concentrate on with today as well

Remember when under stress you will search
for a temporary sense of control to feel

it’s called a “false lift” but..

if you don’t deal with the “event”

The “trigger” that causes the stress

Then you will always look to sedate, it’s
what the body does by trying to grab a
temporary sense of control from a
situation where you feel you have no
control over

So the next time you beat yourself up for
doing what you

shouldn’t have done

Can’t stop doing etc..

Remember that if you’re under stress
you’re just after some sense of control

Which reminds me

We cover this at unbreakable Golfers

More info go here

John “trying not to sedate” seton

Ps deal with the trigger, the issue that
causes you to sedate and you will stop

It’s very simple, just not very easy


When You Can’t Be Fuuuuked

When You Can’t Be Foooked

When you’re ill or

Feel like sh*t,

You’re more likely to feel like burning
everything to the ground,

The fuse for nonsense is usually on the
short side

But we must battle through right, just get
to Saturday where we can rest and just
feel guilty about not spending time with
the kids.

Being ill is like being tired,

You become irritable,

Lack concentration


And certainly don’t deal with nonsense
that normally would be water off a ducks

That’s how I am right now.

Its not man flu thank god but potent
enough to mess with your progress

The fact is when we’re like that we need a
rest but...

How can we.

We have too much to do and no time to do
it in.

And any spare time will be flooded with
thoughts of what needs to be done.

And guilt for not doing it.

I’m gonna take my own advice,

Finish up the morning and then everything
else can wait.

John “ill” Seton

Ps I’ll let you know about the next
unbreakable Golfers

Just not today my friend

What A Day

So a quick confession,

To say the outline of Fridays
Unbreakable Golfers changed is an

Thats the problem when you have two "GOLF
MAD" fellas that have too much to teach

The plan was for 4 golfers for 4

We were over subscribed and it ended up
being 6 golfers getting a full day.

it was better that way

We started at 9am and ran through till

7 and a half hours with us covering
everything we possibly could to give the
golfers maximum value

And if I'm honest we could have gone for
another 7 hours.

Even our to lunch breaks were jam packed
with valuable content for the golfers
specific problems

When you get quotes like "its one of the
best things I've done"

I'll be honest if I was more metro it
could bring me to a tear

As luck would have it I'm a bit more hetro
than that so no tears just a constant
motivation to make the next one EVEN

Why, YOU must continue to improve

Its what WE are built to do

Humans are happiest when making progress

To get better at whatever it is we want,

The best way to do that is to be PROCESS
based and not OUTCOME based

Which I'll show you at the next one

John "No Tears" Seton

PS The next one will be better AND we will
have the RESULTS from the first group of
unbreakable Golfers to show you whats

And we have a 28 day accountability group

Register your interest here as we wont be
letting more than 6 in next time

And lets be honest 1st come 1st served 


I’ll agree it sounds cool, let’s face it to
be fearless is pretty awesome right

Or is it?

Here’s the definition

"Fearless = the absence of fear"

So being fearless is not having fear

Is that good?

If you don’t fear something and you do it,
what’s so good about that?

If it scares you as much as something like
walking or breathing

What’s the big deal?

But what about being courageous?

"Not deterred by Danger or Pain"

Oh yes Acting in spite of fear, now that is

Enough to put blood in ya penis right?

Fearing something and still doing it

War films have this in spades,

Rocky 3 ...defo, Or as my pal says
"Jermaine" (Let me know if you dont get
that one)

Yeah being scared of something and stepping

That is bad ass

What did I used to be scared of?

The grammar Police,

They stopped me putting out content for

Today is the 365th day in a row where I
have sent a daily email

You see I have always struggled with
spelling and grammar

You may have noticed

School wasn’t really for me

So writing an email every day opens me up
to potential criticism,

(especially with the style I write and
speed I try to get it out)

And it stopped me for years

But everyday that I write an email

I get a little bit better,

And everyday that I fxck up

I learn...

That’s when the grammer police help me,

So the next email hopefully will be better,

And for others that may be fearless because
they don’t fear putting out content

But for me It was courageous

Because letting other people’s opinions
dictate your actions

Your growth,

Your progression,

To be better then yesterday,

Is living in fear

And that will keep you stuck

The only thing you need to do is be
courageous, you aint gotta run in a burning
building or anything.

Just pick something that you havent done
because of other people POTENTIAL opinion.

John "365" Seton

PS do you know one thing I’ve noticed about
the grammar police or anyone that criticise

They don’t actually do the thing they

They will only critique other people’s

Funny that, maybe some serious fear going

Eagles & Unbreakable Golfers

Recap of this week fella

Monday "I'm A Vulture"

Tuesday "Last Day"

Wednesday "Not Sure Whats Wrong"

Thursday "Shakable Beliefs"

Friday "Wish You Were Here"

Saturday "Quick Question"

If you want golf performance

Or questions to

See you tomorrow

Golf Performance Therapy & Golf Fitness