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You Dirty Rat

This week I found out we had some RATs in
our company and

They needed do be exterminated

But to find out why you need to check out
these emails

Recap of this week fella

Monday "Lessons from vito corleone"

Tuesday "P*ss Stop"

Wednesday "The Football Season"

Thursday "Its War"

Friday "Tell Bill The Word Is"

Saturday "Late Like The Trains"

If you want golf performance

Or questions to

See you tomorrow

Golf Performance Therapy & Golf Fitness

Late Today Like The Trains

Midday for an email,

Not the best way to be consistent but I
did hit my morning routine,

A system I try to use every morning to set
up my day so I don’t get sucked into the

A simple plan that you can use too

Actually the guys at unbreakable had their
own version built for them

Something they can do every day to get
better and track it by

Keeping score

Cos what’s the point of playing a game if
we don’t keep score

Try it next time you play a round of golf
and see if you care

If the golf courses are ever open again
that is

But try it, play nine holes and don’t keep

Don’t know if you’ve pared the hole or not

You won’t enjoy it

You're just going through the motions.

So find something that will make you


More confident,

Do it every day and...

Keep score.

Something mentioned to the unbreakable
golfers this week when a couple of daily
scores didn’t come in

“If you lack the courage to keep score you
will justify your lack of results”

So keep score and see if you can win

John “late” seton

Ps next ones planned for the end of the
month but it may not be possible

I'll keep you posted


Tell Bill The Word Is

No idea where I read it,

But lets just be clear I did read this and
at the time it didn't have the power then
as it did yesterday

Because of people we've put our trust in
and made a lot of money for (lets be clear
they've made a lot of money for us too)
decided that

Bypassing us would be smart and better for

However as you know from yesterdays email


Its a story about a US prisoner of war who
was told he was being executed the next

(He wasn't executed by the way and my
point is about the statement not the

That day he wrote a letter to his wife
with a message for his son and that
message was this

"Tell bill that the word is integrity"

That story stuck in my head for some

But today its all I can think about and
unfortunately for you all I can write

a simple sentence that on its own out of
context makes absolutely no sense

I've made more mistakes by trying to
conduct myself with integrity that have
cost me fourtunes and goes against any
business advice anyone would give YOU

I blamed business, the industry,
everything for not having the integrity
that matched ours

But if you blame others you have NO


If you're in victim mode you cant help

The only thing you can control is your own

Unless of course you read the horoscopes
but lets be honest if you did you wouldn't
be reading this

1) Taking action gets results (good or

2) Not taking action get nothing

This is the point when I'm soposed to tell
you I'll teach you this at unbreakable

But the fact is this has nothing to do
with golf

If you wanna come cool the links at the

But if not thats also cool, lets be honest
its too f*cking cold anyway

I just thought its a great statement

So if you see bill today

"Tell him that the word is integrity"

John Seton

The Football Season

What is it about being a football fan

If you think about it, and you analyse it,
what makes a football fan think next
season (or this season if we're in august)
will be better

Its because you start with a clean slate,

Every team starts with zero points

So everyone has a chance to be better,

and we forget about last year,

And we do forget about previous seasons

When it looked like Leicester had a serious
chance to win the league

I thought (and I'm sure you did too) that
if they won we would talk about it forever

A team that was fighting relegation the
season before

To overcome big money teams that have had
a strong hold on the league for decades


I honestly thought you wouldn't be able to
mention odds without mentioning Leicester

Yet now they are just leicester, a team
that won the premier league once.

But every year in august regardless of
what team you support

Points wise you start on a level playing
field with every other team in your league

And if they get 3 points on the first day
of the season the average football fan
comes home

Treats the Mrs to a take away and a seeing

And if its no points on the first day then

"The same old sh*t again this year"

Could you start every day like that?

Have a scoring system that makes you want
to win that day

And if you didn't win that day

You want to beat your score from yesterday

A chance to be better than yesterday

There is a game like that

A game that will give you more focus,
confidence and energy while making your


Its called the unbreakable game and we
play it here

John "First Day of the Season" Seton

PS Today is the last day to lock down your
price for my fxck up

Last call

P*ss Stop

One of the worst things about staying
properly hydrated,

Is when the morning trains start to mess

And you’ve guzzled the right amount of
water before you’ve left the house

The train is packed


And you’ve been on it for an hour

Obviously the train driver gets in touch
every 30 seconds to tell you

“I’m sorry the train is knackered, I’m not
sure what’s going on, the train in front
could be more knackered than this one.
I’ll be in touch in 3 minuets with no new
information, until then I’m gonna turn the
heating up so some of you might burst into

The p*ss stop never used to be factored in
when I was younger,

It would take hours to break the seal

Now, the trade off for being hydrated is
being aware of the nearest karzi at all

But that’s the trade off for having more


less brain fog

And being more flexible

Not a bad trade off for breaking you neck
on the train

Point is if you know the benefits

The trade off of what you’re doing

You will stay consistent regardless of
what the negatives may be

You will plan,

Know where the nearest toilet is and keep
getting better

John “p*ss break” Seton

PS to know what else to add to your diet
so that you get more out of your body and

Go here