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Pay Yourself First, Not Others & This Includes The VAT Man

This applies to anything

But comes from Dan kenardy's time
management book.(great book)

This was how we ran an old business,
and how most people do

(Ill tell you why its wrong in a minute)

Pay the labor first they’re your bread and

Pay your suppliers, can’t do any work
without supply's.

Pay the vat man don’t want that assassin
looking at you through a riffle scope

Then with whatever’s left over that’s what
you get

and if you need more tough, try
again next month.

And it’s exhausting



And not fun

However if you take Mr Kenardy’s advice

Pay yourself first then pay all the others
you will be better off


You will do the work required to get the
money for everyone else.

Those same issues still exist, you’ve just
looked after yourself first

But you can do this OUTSIDE of business

As husbands and fathers most men pay
ourselves last,

We look after our wife’s,



Clients and then with the little time left
it’s time to pay ourselves,

When you’re exhausted,

Stressed and not in the mood,

That’s when you will look for sedation
from whatever vice suits you at that point

So why not..........

Pay yourself first

Look after YOU however small before anyone

Sounds selfish right?

But its not...

because you will find the time and energy
for everything and everyone else after and
the benefit...

You will feel, look and BE better.

And that’s better FOR everyone you come
into contact with

Your wife

Your kids

Your clients

And thats better for business

So pay yourself first and don’t feel

If you want a proven simple system to pay
yourself first with the bonus of helping
your golf too

You know where to go

But if not just Pay yourself first

John Seton

[Sukk My Balls Mr Garrison]

Not sure if you’ve ever seen the TV
program South Park

It has some good charictors and great lines
like Sukk my balls

but it’s one of those shows that’s very
hit and miss

You need to filter out the rubbish

You need someone who watches it regularly
to tell you which episodes to watch

And which episodes to avoid (most of them)

Or you”ll get stuck wasting time

And there’s far too much time wasted

Used to know this fella, someone from work
who loved watching it

He would let me know of any funny bits to

No need to go through all of them waiting
for a funny bit

Just go here

Do this

Watch that and go back to your day

don’t see this fella anymore so that
filter is gone

So there’s 3 options

1) Watch them all and waste far too much time

2) Randomly pick them and be very hit and

3) (what I chose) never watch it again

So I haven’t seen this show for years

Occasionally there’s a advert for it which
creates some intrigue

It’s the same with progression

Occasionally there’s a spark that makes
you wanna sort your body out,

You can look on the internet and see how
to fix your body

You can study screening and hopefully find
the cause

You can look at your stats and build a
plan to get better from that information

And most people do One of three things

1) try “everything” and see what works and
what doesn’t

2) randomly pick a plan and
hopefully stumble on something that works

3) do nothing

But there is another way,

Get someone who knows this sh*t to show
you exactly what, why and how you can get
better and you do that here

John Seton

When Motivations Gone

You know the feeling,

Some days its just a struggle to get
through the day

You've got your coffee, there's plenty to
do but...

You just cant get going,

There's no excuses for it,

Large Latte in ya hand, in that red paper
coffee cup with those familiar words on
the side

Those words that make you wanna stop for
petrol even if you've got a full tank


I honestly think they may put crack in the

If there's a costa sign I'm like a lemming

So how to get through a day like this

A few things

Hit your numbers

(you do have a daily game that you try to
win each day dont you?)

The simple things that if the whole day
goes to the fan, at least at the end of
the day you can say you hit your numbers.

Think of it like your football team
playing a shocker, hanging on for dear
life and somehow coming away with the

you wont care about the performance the
next day

Just the points.

Tell yourself that just making a start is
enough, if you get more done great

If not at least you made an effort, Your
brain will mess with you if you let it,

It will tell you that you should have done
more, that you're lazy or that your not up
to it but

If you feel like you cant be bothered
thats ok....

Just make the effort

Sometimes you just need to SHOW UP,

So hit your numbers, start something on
your target list and then try to be better

Remember confidence comes from looking
back not looking forward

Looking back over what you've pulled off
that week, month , year

thats where you get confidence by...

Appreciating what you've achieved then

Just show up and…
Try to be better than yesterday

John Seton

PS If you want a daily game to play

A game that gives you confidence, energy,
focus and improvement

Then become Unbreakable

Why We Procrastinate

No fear right,

This was a story I told myself for years,
then this brain boom was sent my way

"Then why do you procrastinate?"


It was for me anyway,

Because if you are putting something off,

something you KNOW you should do,

something you know will make things better
once its done

Then why wouldn't you do it.

Why would you continue to put it off,

It comes down to fear,

^ ^ ^ Thats hard to take right ^ ^ ^

This dosent have to be sh*t you pants
scary like the scariest movie ever made

"Fatal Attraction"

Lets be honest who wants to live through
that nightmare

Give me nightmare on elm street or friday
the 13th over a crazy women with a knife

I digress...

The point is fear is there to protect you.

To stop you doing stupid things like
reenacting scenes from jackass when you're
drunk (Done that)

But its also fear that will stop you
trying something new just so your pride
dosent get hurt,

Or god forbid YOU make a mistake.

When did that become a thing, grown men
being terrified of making mistakes

So if you are putting something off
because you're not sure if it will succeed
ask these 2 questions

Do YOU really want what you say you want?


No stories, no maybes, just yes or no.

If you refuse to live in the land of maybe
you will get a lot more done.

If the answer is NO thats cool, you've
just saved yourself a shed load of time
and energy by not going after something
you never had the commitment to do


If the answers is YES

Then ask yourself if your fear of making a
mistake, making the wrong choice is

The payoff,

The result of getting what you want,

If it is then we can begin to set powerful

And that is where growth lives, as long as
you dont fear making mistakes.

To learn how to build your goals out so
that you just STOP stopping and giving up

Then we'll show you here

John "Mistakes" Seton


Smell My Brains

Kids are funny, I love it when they mess
words up,

Say something slightly different than it’s
meant to be

And to be totally honest, the way I talk
it can’t help my kids when it comes to


My 3 year old obviously heard this
somewhere and copied what she thought
she’d heard

She’ll come up to you and want you to
smell her breath but say...

“smell my brains”

I love it, and when she stops, it will be
a sad day

All that’s happened is she’s got slightly
the wrong interpretation of something

The end goal is the same but the context
slightly wrong

This happens with food all the time

People read something In the paper about a
super food


Some new way to eat better and think this
one thing is the key

— The missing ingredient —

However nothing will change for a dieter
if they don’t change the way they THINK
about food

Take someone who’s decided to stop eating
stuff out of the treat cupboard

They remove all chocolate, biscuits and
cakes and guess what

They get huge results but.....

They crave that food like never before

You will want what you tell yourself you
can’t have

So rather then condemn food as so called
bad just add food that is so called good

It will make you less likely to crave all
the food you tell yourself you can’t have

Because you now CAN have it if you want

(Little aside, you will cave this stuff
when you tired because it’s quick energy)

A simple mind shift about the same

If you want to learn a different way of

A way that can help you across golf and
all other areas

Then step up to unbreakable Golfers

It’s time to think differently

John “Smelly Brains” Seton

PS if you have no desire to get better, no
plans to improve yourself

Then click unsubscribe cos I can’t help you