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Unbreakable Rule 3

Anyone when talking about investment,

Could tell us:

how much equity they have in their

What money they have in shares,

Ask most fellas what they invested in last
year they could...

Roll of a list of cool sh*t they own,

But ask them what specific investments
they made IN themselves and its a long

Unbreakable Rule number 3

Invest “in” yourself not just in “things”
for yourself

Make a plan to be better,

This could come from coaching,

Courses or even..

Studying a book... Notice the word study
not just read

The point is fellas are happiest when
making progress

When YOU can see an improvement you WILL
be happier,

Wake Up Warrior calls it the "GAP"

The gap between where you are now and
where you want to be.

All you have to do, however little, is to
close the gap every day

Invest IN yourself as well as buying new
cool stuff.

It can be as easy as studying a book

But if its golf you have in mind...

Then go here 

John Seton

Unbreakable Rule 2

Paul Mort calls it

“The game of comparison for pussys”

That’s when you compare yourself to those
worse than you, just...

To feel better.

“At least I ain’t as bad as him”

I used to use this in my failures

But it doesn’t help you grow

Not even a bit,

Then if done wrong, comparing yourself to
those better than you can be a problem too


Example... the facebook news feed

You’re grafting, working a 16 hour shift
and struggling, waiting for a client to
pay you a large chunk of cash

You see a Facebook post, of someone on
holiday with their kids, you may feel
guilty that you’ve been working so hard
and not seen yours

The fact is by using Rule 2

"Only comparing yourself to yourself"

You can control the game

You do that by trying to be better than
yesterday, last week, last month, last

If you play against yourself (instead of
with yourself) you can actually grow.

So stop beating yourself up and just...

Beat yourself

Wanna know how to score that....

Go here 

John Seton

Amazing New Cure Found For Bad Golf

Scientist at the "School Of Golf Related
Depression"  have stumbled on an unlikely
cure of bad golf

Not any bad golf either.

The type of bad golf that causes people to
throw clubs, kick golf bags and use every
profanity in the english and french

And its in the form of a pill

The pill lets golfers sit in a chair with
the tv controller in hand and still get

This revolutionary  new pill (Currently
known as the PUKKA pill) will eventually be
in every golfers hand by 2020

The price tag is currently £19.99 but will
retail by the end of the year at £9.99

The are a few side affects that have been


Lack of function of the Mans area and

massive weight gain but it will add

Happy April Fools Day

So fella if you're a bit cheesed off at
not being able to get this pill that
doesn't exist then let me tell you that,

It just will have to be left to the

Improving your equipment

Improving your course managent

Improving your body for golf

Improving you mindset for golf

And practice

If you wanna to learn some new cool sh*t
backed up by real science

We do that here 

John seton

Unbreakable Rule No 1

See yesterdays email for the full list but
this is a breakdown of Unbreakable Rule 1

-Pay yourself first, with time and money-

I’ve covered this in a previous email but
let’s just recap,

Dan Kennedy says “pay yourself before you
pay everyone else”

His philosophy is you will fight tooth and
nail to find the money for everyone else

(as long as you ain’t a helmet) but will
just make do with what’s left if you pay
yourself last.

Wake up warrior teach that you must hit
your plan(they have the core 4) before you
leave the house, at best by 8am.

Earl Nightingale had a philosophy that the
first hour of the day belonged to you and
your primary goal

(he said that you should spend the first
part of the day listing 10 things every
morning you could do to better yourself)

This way you actually take time to THINK
about how to get better.

The point is you must find a way to “pay
yourself first”

That suits you and your needs

Before anyone else,

Sounds selfish but it benefits EVERYONE
close to you

So find out what it is you desperately

And focus on it, do something about it
before anyone else sucks your time or..

your energy leaving you exhausted before
you get a chance to focus on yourself, so.

"Pay yourself first"

If you want more info go and check this

But for Unbreakable rule 2

About comparison, We’ll discuss that

John Seton 

A GOOD Friday Code

Last week I let you in on 10 ways that can
help you across the board

Over the next 10 days im gonna go in depth
on these and how they can and will help
you if you chose to live by them


These have evolved over the years and may
change in the future but..

I believe in this list NOW

There is nothing here you can't apply


1) Pay yourself first, with time and money

2) Only compare yourself to yourself by
trying to be better than yesterday

3) Invest “in” yourself not just in
“things” for yourself

4) Be more consistent than your

5) Stick to “your” principles.

6) Have a well thought-out strategic
action plan

7) Be ruthlessly committed to that plan

8) Don’t lie to yourself

9) Focus on mastering the fundamentals

10) Keep Score of what you “can” control

Again, over the next 10 days I will break
these down and how you can use them

need more

Go here  

If not see you tomorrow

John Seton