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90% There

90% There

Didn't finish up all the Unbreakable rules this week but we will next week

If you missed some

check out the emails for this week

Monday "No Masters Breakfast"

Tuesday "Unbreakable Rule 7"

Wednesday "July 8th 2018"

Thursday "Unbreakable Rule 8"

Friday "My Dads Evil Genius"

Saturday "Unbreakable Rule 9"

For Unbreakable Golfers 

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Unbreakable Rule 9

"Focus on the fundamentals"

Nothing can be as simple than focusing on the fundamentals

But that’s not sexy is it.

So we all look for the new thing,

The new club,




But if we just focused on the fundamentals in whatever we do we will have success.

So why don’t we do it?

Our mind is set up for NEW.

And new is intersting.

That’s why all the ads you see, wether its on TV or facebook will say it.

It's also why you have "breaking news" on the 24 hour news channels because that’s what people want.

If you see breaking news across the bottom of sky sports news you go into looking like a puppy waiting for a treat

"What is this news that has just happend right now"

Normally its just pointless info you would have skipped over if you where reading the paper. 


Back to fundamentals.

Going on studies it’s said that it takes 28 days to 6 weeks to build a new habit and 10,000 hours to master a skill.

Do you think you can do either of them if you keep jumping from new to new to new.

That’s why at Unbreakable Golfers we focus on things that are fundamentals in golf AND...

Essentials in human movement.

So whatever your plan is

Whatever you are trying to achieve

Focus on the fundamentals of it and just see how you do.

If you wanna know what we do  

Go here

John Seton

My Dads Evil Genius

We've inherited a dog, 

Not a random dog (my sisters) but have the dog for 4 days and the way we got it was due to my Dads forgetfulness or what can be described as his evil genius  

My sister has gone on holiday for ten days and as a result my mum and dad have inherited her dog,

At the same time my dad decided to book to go to the Grand National and take my mum

Two things odd about this little escape of his

One as far as I know he’s never taken my mum racing before,

Two he’s never booked anything on his own in his life,

So we have the dog for four days, he is excellent and the kids love having him but...

When it all first came to light about his so called "Mistake" and told him..

“You planed that” he didn’t say a word

No posturing, or auguring just a shrug of the shoulder's.

And it got me thinking that, no matter how you stick to your pricaples, no matter how much you do the right thing

No matter how much you have commitment to others sometimes....

You just have to look after yourself first.

At Unbreakable Golfers we give you a system that helps you take care of yourself first by..

Enhancing your body and your golf

Wanna know more

Go here 

John Seton


Unbreakable Rule 8

"Dont Lie to yourself" 

Everthing changed for me when I just stopped lying to myself

Everything wasnt ok, 

Things were pretty bad, 

Then I met a man, a mentor, an abravsive truth telling coach who taught me this

"You can only change what is, by being compleatly honest with yourself about where you are at RIGHT NOW.

No storys about why things were the way they were, 

No one else to blame but myself.

He also said "The good thing was that if you created all of this, YOU can get out of it".

Everything that had been created was of MY doing, 

It was time to stop blaming others and take ACTION to make it better

The second you stop lying to yourself you gain control

Buts its painful to tell the truth so be ready for resistance.

It was painful for me to say the reason why my business hadn't grown was not'

The economy

Cheap, poor imitations of what we were offering but...

It was cos I hadn't had the balls to go after what I really wanted.

So "Don't Lie To Yourself"

It will keep you stuck,

If you want a way of cutting through the lies that you tell yourself about what you are capable of

Then step up to Unbreakable Golfers 

John Seton

July 8th 2018

The saying goes

“Nothing gets done without a deadline”

And how true that is for the business owner,

It’s difficult to even turn off thinking about what needs to be done anyway, as well as what helmets you will soon be coming into contact with. 

But with a deadline there is added focus and motivation.

Monday was the start of my new 90 day drive, where I plan out what needs to be achieved over the next 90 days

And like the yo-yo dieter, the first two days have been hugely motivational and successful,

90 days is the perfect time frame,

Long enough that you can pull off pretty much anything (with a proper plan of course) and....

Short enough that you have to stay focused and committed or you’ll fall behind.

For me the first 30 days are pretty much the most productive in the sprint

They’re always set up so that at the end of 30 days it’s so exiting tight pants can’t be worn

But specific breaks, reviews, course correcting and REST are purposely written in and

That IS done in advance to stop burn out

Because like the yo-yo dieter at some point you will slam into the wall and just say

F*ck it, it’s too hard I didn’t really want it anyway

You feel overwhelmed and exhausted

That’s when the plan....

Takes over, becomes your sat nav unill you’re back on track and you can get going again

Anyone can plan these out with just some imagination and pen

But to be shown exactly how WE do it, 

sign up to Unbreakable Golfers  

John Seton