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What Golfers Don't Want

Read this statement in a golf fitness article. 

“Does getting in the gym take away from your golfing time?”

If we're being honest:

Nothing makes golfers want to be outside on the course more than the sun shinning and no clouds in the sky so...

Having to BE in the gym when the sun is blazing is not really gonna happen.

While other Golf Fitness fanatics say that "the gym is only place most golfers should be"

I think if you're a dad, run a business and feel like theres little time to spare its not gonna happen. 

One reason the GolfMob was built was to help golfers get better without "stepping a foot in the gym"

Here’s what I think most golfers need:

A simple to follow plan that is custom built to them (cos every golfer is different) and...

Assume that all it takes is ANY excuse to not do the work, so make the REWARDs far out-way the EFFORT

Do that and the whole procrastinating golfer syndrome outlook changes.

It’s good advice for focusing on getting better at anything too.

But, if you do the wrong exercise, you might just be wasting your time.

(And how many of us have more time.)

Anyway, that’s actionable advice most golfers wont use.

But, excellent stuff when applied and powerful when applied properly.

For an exact plan, built for you, to be actioned, and a system where you'll be kept accountable  (and not just more procrastination about, eating healthier, looking and feeling better ),

check out "Unbreakable Golfers"

And jump on the next event.

And, it’s purposely designed to add distance and increase confidence over the golf ball. 

Here’s the link: 

John Seton

Short Game Solutions

There’s nothing like that little bit of celebrity factor,

It’s why on the news they have faces people know, talking about things they’re not trained in.

Because as much as we don’t admit it we are a celebrity obsessed society.

But sometimes you can combine the two.

By having someone who has that celebrity factor but it comes FROM his skill.

And that’s what you might have the chance to be involved in.

Not sure if you’ve read “Short Game Solutions” James Sieckman’s (PGA tour coach and TPI Golf instructor)book on finesse wedges

But his Europe tour representative coach Mathew Tipper has teamed up with Unbreakable Golfers coach James Skelton for two 4 teaching schools.

Now obviously it sold out immediately

But they will be planing the next one.

And I wouldn’t be helping you out if I didn’t suggest that you get in touch and ask to be put on the waiting list for the next one. 

Before anyone else does,

Remember, nothing beats taking action

Wanna know more go here

Are are very welcome

John Seton

Unbreakable Rule 10

Unbreakable Rule 10

"Keep score on what YOU can control"

Heres a little secret...

Keeping score is the most important thing a man can do...


I am about to tell you but before we go into that lets see if you remember a few things,

When we were kids (and I use WE as me and you fella) we kept score on everything..

From who scored the most goals at lunch time, 

To how much we could eat, 

Keeping score is the first of two powerful things you can do to keep yourself accountable.

And the second powerful thing is competing against someone else that is playing the same game as YOU.

I'm not a smoker,

But many of my pals are, if they give up they can tell you how many days its been since they had a fag, 

That IS keeping score...

Its internal, something we all done as kids but two things happen that stop this.

One.. We are told / Learn that keeping score is showing off so we stop publicly doing it.

Two.. we tell ourself's that keeping score doesn't matter (but only if we fail or think we WILL fail)

But here's the belter, 

In golf with your HANDICAP we get to compete with other golfers in a fair game, 

Other players with different abilities and skills, but we play on a level playing field because of the BRILLIANT handicap system.

If we keep score of what we CAN control and not what is out of our hands we can stay consistant and enjoy it.

Heres the subtle difference on what we can and cant control

We cant control the outcome but we can control the process.


Putting ...

We cant control where the ball finishes but we can control if we practice putting.

Fitness ... 

We cant control how much weight we lose (the body is always adapting to the demands we put on it) but we can control if we walk every day

Focusing on what we can control (the process) and not the outcome means you can score it

"Did I Do X today, YES or NO" No stories of why we couldn't, not reasons or excuses just a simple yes or no. 

By focusing on what you can control, you can make it a fair game, 

And if we think we CAN win we will TRY to win.

Writing the score that is not good enough down is what motivates us to do better.

Returning a score card in a tough round of golf of 22 points when it seems everyone else scored in the 30's is embarrassing but...

Motivation to get better comes from this pain.

This statement from Unstoppable B*stard Paul Mort is the reason to always keep score

"If you lack the courage to keep score you will continue to justify your lack of results"

Play a game and keep score

If you wanna know what game we play, 

A game that helps us with our fitness, 

Our golf and being pain free

You need to go here

John Seton


A pal of mine, someone I grew up with going Arsenal, 

Asked me if id been to any games this season.

I haven't but then I remembered I haven't been in years...

In Years.....

There are people that worked with me 10 years ago wouldn't believe me if they were told that statement.

Cos work was like the following, 

Time off driving up the M1 to night games, 

3 days off during the week to go to places we didn't know had a football team, 

Cant work Saturdays when we were away, that time was spent camped in a car living off ginsters.

If we were at home, need to be done by 11, needed to be in the pub for 1 for a 3 o'clock kick off

So what happened, 

Life happend and my priorities changed.

Having a young family slowed it all down but the real nail in the coffin was...


The fact is your business will squeeze you like a mincie orange in a sunny D factory.

And going football went from being fun to being a painful chore, 

No more in the pub 2 hours before kick off,,, it was, at best in the ground 2 minutes before kick off

The fact is that doing what you love should't be that painful.

Cos pain alters not only what we enjoy but how we actually do it.

And to golf it can SERIOUSLY mess with your swing.

With the body it try's its best to compensate but eventually something has to give. 

And thats when pain and injury happens as well as the change to the path and the way you swing the club but...

Heres the best bit, 

I am in less pain now pushing 40 then I ever was in my 20's (where my back was made out brittle stuff)

And this isn't trying to brag in any way but only to tell you that age was not the factor in my health.

The most import part is how we MOVE every day.

If you wanna finally remove the pain that seems to be getting worse as you get older I can show you exactly how I did it.

But and here's the killer, I NEED YOU IN FRONT OF ME....

And for that you have to pay to play..

But to not leave you with your dick in your hand heres something to implement. 

Think of exercise as a something you DO not a chore that you must be done. 

And for the record exercise is a spectrum from sprinting all the way down to lying on your back and breathing through your stomach. 

The best exercise is the right exercise for YOU, YOUR pain, YOUR limitations and YOUR lifestyle

Just do something you enjoy and do it every day...

Cool shit will happen if you do I'll guarantee it

John Seton

I’m Officially Old

On the way to the cinema on Saturday

My wife put the radio on and any songs that came up the kids said....

I love this one,

Problem is,

The station wasn’t xfm (radio x now but I still call a sandwich toaster a brevel)

It was capital fm,

And after listening to it for the drive to the Greenwich odean I now know I’m officially old.

Every song sounded the same,

I couldn’t tell you the difference to 3 songs in a row,

And it occurred to me that I have failed in my kids music education.

I used to send my nephew back to his mum and dad singing the police and oasis,

But I send my kids to school singing stuff I don’t know who they are or what type of music it is (must be pop music)

So to try to reverse the damage...

The journey home was Spotify and a collection of oasis, the charlatans and the stone roses(obviously NOT the second coming)

the time has come to give them options for thinking differently,

To show them there is another way of listening.

And that’s the sole purpose of these emails...

To give you an option for thinking differently,

When you see what’s actually possible and that it’s our interpretation of previous events that holds us back and not the event itself

You can change your perspective...

And with that change your results

And we show you that here 

John Seton