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New Man Thursday

One of the best things about the Golfmob, 

Was having someone new, and telling them after the first session (the first session was the Moe green special and set up in a way that they would feel like this may be too tough)

And explaining that if they just made it thorough the next session (their 2nd session) they would experience what got dubbed New Man Thursday

The reason for this and its only an opinion, 

is that your body is trying to get you back to what it considers as normal.

So if you sit all day, thats what your body considers normal.

So after the first training session the mobsters body would be crying out for rest, 

Recuperation, maybe even...

The sofa.

Whatever it was that it considered normal.

But come Thursday morning when your should feel worn out, something pretty cool happens.

It's the realisation that this sh*t aint gonna let up, so you better adapt.


And be reddy for the next session cos its time to...

Act and think differently. 

And when feeling like a new man, the possibilities are endless, 

Moe Green was a killer but it built CHARACTER. 

Character that can only come from experience.

If you wanna find a way where you get to feel new, with added..



Confidence and you want to do it without blowing out your ass like the bad ass Mobsters had to

Then Unbreakable Golfers may be for you. 

We go again soon 

John Seton

How To Change

How you make any changes that gets results is being aware that you will go through four emotional steps

And is what’s called the Emotional Cycle Of Change

You start at uninformed optimism as all you can see is the benefits of the new shiny thing,

This is the thing that’s gonna fix everything

you can see all the benefits with no idea or just blind about the amount of work that’s required

Next stage..... informed pessimism, which is ......

“oh you mean I have to put effort in” 

“I didn’t think that this would require that from me”

“I can’t do this”

“I’m not convinced this will work”

Next step the valley of despair

This is where most fellas give up as
it’s too hard, 

too much work, 

I can’t do it, 

fxck it things are ok anyway

But here’s the thing...... getting to this point is inevitable if you want growth

If you get through that you get to reach the final stage, 

Informed optimism this is where you know exactly what it takes to get results you wanted.

“it was hard and not all fun but I’m loving the results”

So if you are trying to change be aware that you will come across these four key stages emotionally

So be prepared ....

Plan for them and get clear on WHAT you Want and even more importantly

WHY you actually want it....

Then you can enjoy the results regardless of what your targets are

If you want to be coached through these four stages and come out the other side in our 28 day challenge

Step up to unbreakable golfers 

John Seton

Not Enough Time

Lets be honest, 

Having more time would help us.

It would help get more work done, spend more time with the kids, play more golf, sleep more....

Sleep more?

Just think if you could get more sleep, the benefits from that are excellent including fat loss but thats another story.

Anyway back to more time, 

The fact is we all have the same amount of time available

24 Hours.

Im not saying fellas without family and businesses dont have less FREE time but they still have the same amont of time available. 

When I think back to pre kids, marriage and business I honestly dont know what I did with my time (Or money for that matter)

The point is the only way we can be and do better things (and not be a dick) is to be more productive with our time.

Best way to do that is to track it. 

Why you ask? 

When people haemorrhage money they cant tell you where it's gone,

People that cant lose weight cant tell you what they eat,

So the person who cant track time will never have enough of it. 

For the recored by doing this there still isn't enough time for me to play golf every day BUT

I can tell you where my time goes, and I am more productive now than I used to be. 

So track your time fella. 

And use it wisely cos (unless you're a believer in the afterlife) time is the one thing you know will run out. 

If you wanna see how we track our time

we will show you here. 

John Seton

Follow The Follower

This is a term coined in Lead the Field

Basically, follow the follower is what starts in school and then grows into adult life.

The idea is if you were to look at a school class you would see how a group of kids would:

Dress the same,

Talk the same,

Laugh at the same things wether its funny or not,

And do all the same stuff stupid or not.

basically doing what everyone else is doing just to fit in.

With no one actually LEADING

But we see it carry over into work, sport and activities.

In golf for example the industry has convinced us that the newest equipment is the deal breaker in what’s gonna change for you.

So every year, every equipment maker has new and improved stuff,

I’m not saying it’s not improved, my iPhone is better than my last one but it hasn’t changed anything in my ability to make calls,

Watch football clips or

Take photos

So how can you improve yourself with or without new equipment

You focus on yourself.

The ability to improve the weak, soon to be painful areas in your body and

The way you THINK about what’s possible.

And of course have expert coaching on your swing.

You can do all this yourself or

We can show you exactly how we do it 

John Seton

Quick Recap

Quick Recap of the week with a chance to work with someone on tour

check out the emails for this week

Monday "I'm Officially Old"

Tuesday "Paaaaaain"

Wednesday "Unbreakable Rule 10

Thursday "Short Game solutions"

Friday "What Golfers Dont Want"

Saturday "Hot-a On The Train-a"

For Unbreakable Golfers  

Go here ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

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