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Its The Should's That Will Get Ya

Had to work late last night and literally couldn't be f*cked, 

After spending 20 minutes organising my desk and a further 15 minutes searching for some music on youtube (and actually watching clips of Idiot abroad ) 

The conclusion was that no matter how late I stayed, the work would not get done,

I felt Lazy.

Didn't have the motivation and most importantly the FEAR to get things done.

Proper "who gives a sh*t mode" so....

I went home, and this morning I'm fighting fires left and right.

Nothing can make you pull more out of the bag than a propper full scale, under pressure war. 

I SHOULD have done more yesterday. 

I SHOULD not be this far behind

I SHOULD have been better prepared but the fact is......

it's the SHOULD's that will cause you the most pain and needless suffering because

It's in the past.

Nothing can be done to change it

But it can be improved. 

Living in the past just creates pain. 

So my lesson was I needed more fire last night and I need to get more leverage.

We cant change the past but we can learn for it. 

Three simple questions

What happened?

What did I learn?

How can it be improved?

Use these to be better today than yesterday, or of course

Just say f*ck it and have a pint. 

Sometimes that works just as good. 

John Seton 

Lessons From BadAss Vikings

Story's have it that when the Vikings used to land on new shores they would...

Burn their ships.

A case of "we either win or we are in serious pony"

By removing the only way of retreating they created forward momentum. 

So how can we do the same thing without being as dramatic. 

How can we put ourselves in a position of "Burning our Ships" without getting done for arson or...

Upsetting the Mrs.

One way is to Publicly declare. 

An example in finess and golf

Lets say you want to lose a stone, you've wanted to lose a stone for a while. 

You tell those close you, your intentions (people you feel safe with and those that wont judge you) 

You also want to cut your handicap by 4 shots, you tell the people close to you and your Golf Pro. 

Now, and this is massively important....

People think they have a problem with failing but people fail in private all the time (not good for confidence but thats another story)

But what people are actually worried about is LOOKING like a failure to others. dont believe me, OK

Take the same goals listed above....

(To lose a stone and cut 4 shots)

Post those goals on Facebook and any-other media you currently waste time on. 

PIN those posts so that anybody that goes to your page, its the first thing they see. 


Which one of the above examples will keep you more motivated to try like gangbusters to succeed.. 

You've just opened yourself up for public failure and made yourself accountable..

You've just Burned your ships... 

This is powerful but very stressful and not the only way.

If you want a way to burn your ships without posting in any social media, we show you exactly how here   

John Seton

As Critical As A Toilet In Costa

Whats your score, 

What is the measurement, 

The physical information to see "where" and not "if", you are improving. 

Scoring is as important as a working toilet in costa coffee.

(Everyone knows coffee speeds up the old "Delivery time" but costa is the Usain Bolt of coffee)

The saying is if your not tracking you cant improve, but....

If your not scoring you are losing interest, 


Progress and most importantly results. 

If you find a way to score what you are trying to improve you will be more...



Driven and in the end


Games and scores keep you switched on and daily games make you want to beat yesterdays score.

Wanna improve anything (and I mean anything) score it in a PROCESS BASED game and not an outcome based game. 

And do it in a way where, it only needs YOU and not someone else.

If you wanna play a game that will improve..... 

The amount of movement you have

The amount of confidence you start your day with

Your ability to deal with more stress

Increase your focus on any task

And stop wanting to use golf clubs as weapons as well as tools to play the game then.... 

Step up to Unbreakable Golfers

A proven system that makes you better WITH age 

John Seton 

When You Ain’t Done Enough

The biggest pain in the ass about setting targets,

Is that you have to go high enough to make them worthy and with that,

You have a bigger chance of not hitting them.

From that leads to the feeling of failure or worse the ( I didn’t care anyway) f*ck it attitude.

Which is worse because that leads to giving up or looking for the next new shiny object to focus on.

But if you just look back over the week, you would see what you DID pull off.

And it’s NEVER nothing.

Looking back puts you in power for the next week,

Next challenge or even....

A better attempt at the same challenge.

If you can learn from it, that’s where you get confidence.

Being confident is without doubt the best tool to have in a situation,

If your confident you can be committed

I know that any situation that I let get out of control came from not being 100 % committed and I was not confident.

Get confident by looking back at what you’ve achieved prior to deciding what to do next.

The mind is set up to be negative to protect you....

But you can use that as fuel to get what you want,

So look back before you look forward and set big targets just like what we do at Unbreakable.

If you wanna make huge strides in your progression with your body and your golf, then this is the only place that improves both

John seton

Songs And Star Wars Food

Quick recap for the week.

Monday "Not 19 Forever"

Tuesday "The Darth Vader Diet"

Wednesday "Not What I Signed Up For"

Thursday "Hi Ho The 90 Dwarfs"

Friday "The Oh Fuc Timer"

Saturday "The Mañana Principle"

For Unbreakable Golfers

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