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The Art Of Comedy

Apparently the art of comedy is.....


............ Timing.

But surely it’s the art of everything,

Even luck.

I spent a long time thinking I was unlucky,

The way the recession hit, hurt and eventually crumbled my business,

The after effects of that had major consequences for me and my family’s health, but the TRUTH is...

I wasn’t unlucky,

I was underprepared.....

I knew people that seemed lucky,

But they weren’t,

They were prepared.....

“Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity”
Roman philosopher Seneca

The more prepared we are the more we can see (and importantly act on) the opportunity’s that are there.

We can’t see the opportunity’s when we are in scarcity cos we are just trying to...

Get stuff done,

Get through the day,

Get through the daily fires.

We get better prepared with ruthless consistency to our big result, target or even mission.

Wanna learn how to be more consistent in ALL the targets you set,

And have a more powerful, robust, stronger healthier body where you can rip into the golf ball more then In the past.

You may not think you need it...

But you should fxcking want it.

Be prepared for what’s coming.

Give yourself a chance to act on the next opportunity without scarcity..

Unbreakable Golfers  

John Seton


Today this comes into effect, and I guess you’ve had a shxt ton of emails telling

BEGGING you to click a link to keep receiving their emails,

Not from me my friend,

Is it cos I’m a rebel?


Is it cos I don’t believe in rules?


Is it cos I’m a shaved ape that believes in strategic hard work over conning every time?

Maybe, but....

The real reason is I believe in going to the top of the tree and learning from the best.

What does that have to do with GDPR...

Back before I started sending daily thought provoking emails that are meant to challenge your way of thinking, I asked the best, what to use and how to use it.

So the only way you can get these emails is if you, drum roll........

Signed up to get these daily emails.

Wether it was for Pain Treatment in the clinic,

The Golfmob (where we turned golfing dads back into the badasses they used to be)

Or Unbreakable Golfers (where we strip you down, and build you back up into a more powerful, productive, man)

You where told that at the start,

The page that you gave over your email address had this clearly on it.

The first email you got from me told you what to expect (and that email is as much about removing people who aren’t a good fit as it is about letting you know what you’re in for)

And I use a system that is used by the worlds leading email marketers...

So I’m pretty confident that we’re ok to continue this daily relationship.

Something else I’ve done,

Is learn from the best in golf performance.

Spent thousands of pounds and thousands of hours learning, teaching and most importantly TESTING to see what works and what doesn’t.

And what most of my case study’s are on, are fellas 40 ish and over...

Who’s time is limited due to work and being a father....

If you “prepare properly” you are ready for changes in rules, regulations and events.

How do you prepare your body and mind for the demands that are increasing every year.

We show you how here 

It’s the above link by the way..

So see you tomorrow.

John seton 

Fatigued Men Make Shxtty Decisions,

Fatigued men make shxtty decisions, 

We all know this but it’s only when we look at our output that we can really see when tiredness costs us,

The fact is:

Fatigued men make sh*tty decisions

We’ll tell the story of how we must keep going,

"I’ll rest soon",

"When it’s done" etc, 

But then after the tough battle of the week when do we catch up.

We keep going and going until we mess something up.

When your decisions start being wrong, that’s when you know it’s time to take a breather.

It’s difficult, we’re grafters and have a lot of other commitments but at some point you just need that little bit of rest.

There isn’t one athlete out there who doesn’t believe in getting the required rest PRIOR to a big event

But in running businesses we plan to rest when everything’s done.

The best way to do this is actually pre planing some type of rest in every week and plan this at the start of the week.

An early night, a lie in and no work or phone for as little as possible that day.


“Rest is not a reward for hard work but a prerequisite for exceptional performance”

Tied of making shxtty decisions, biting people’s heads off who don’t deserve it (if they do then give em both barrels) 

Then get some rest,

Wanna be shown away you can get DEEP rest, and be taught Unbreakable Ascension,

Click the link below and step up to the next event

John Seton


This is what generally happens right,

Everything seems ok, and then something pops up,

An event or a conversation that triggers you to feel...

Pxssed off,


Or even enough to start throwing shxt back at people.

It’s this point where we spend far too much time in our mind RE-Living the event.

And this burns serious energy not to mention the loss of concentration,

So if we have a way to bring us out of this thinking and feeling,

An anchor,

Something that can snap you out of it,

You can then refocus and get back to what you where doing before the trigger.

Golfers have used anchors for years, Tiger used to spin his club (after a good shot) others have used red dots on a golf glove and mantras.

At Unbreakable Golfers we can show you exactly how to create your own, whilst teaching you how and why it will work for you.

Wanna know more head over to the UG page below 

John Seton

Allo Burger

Allo burger

Turned 39 yesterday fella,

And went to “allo” burger in sidcup for a bite to eat with the wife and kids,

One thing that I don’t understand is why some food places like these.. 

Put a paper sheet between the plate and your delicious (and it was a bloody good burger) food, so that as you cut into it and all the juice seeps out....

At some point your get a bit of wet paper in your food or mouth.

Now if this doesn’t happen to you or has never happened its probably because I...

Am pretty much a cave man.

I’m probably closer to a shaved ape then the rest of humanity....

Now here’s the thing

If I get paper in my taster burger it’s my fault,

Could have removed it when it turned up,

Could have surveyed the other dinners and asked for it to be removed before it turned up.

And this comes down to something that’s been drummed into me in EVERY top level program I’ve been in

“It’s always your fault”

If it’s someone else’s fault your are a victim,

And any victim mindset leads to helplessness,

Frustration and anger

But if it’s your fault you can do something about it, even if its just be better next time.

You can see how to improve it and This works for everything all the way up to

stoping you quitting on something you SAY you want

But it’s very important to get the distinction down by...

Taking responsibility and NOT (and this is important) moaning, feeling guilty which makes you the victim anyway...

Wanna know the difference...

And how you can leverage it in Golf, Fitness and daily confidence

Then you know where to go...... 

John Seton