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Now, there was a time we could randomly spurt obscene words,

Sing lyrics of songs and watch Pulp Fiction during the day

But with kids, with minds like sponges and the ability to pick the wrong naughty word out of any sentence...

that has all changed

Now we have to talk in abbreviations,

“Shall we go to the P.A.R.k

But sometimes the abbreviation is the trigger or code that is universally understood by everyone who hears it

So you can’t use them either as the kids could copy them like...

The M.F.P (the mother f police)

See you next Tuesday (c what I did there)

And because of that the abbreviation has a powerful meaning...

A trigger

This comes down to emotion (how the word makes people feel) and can upset people

These triggers are like a scratch on a record (vinyl of course) and it jumps back to a place and time in your subconscious

Take the following words...






If you were to say “I am” before those words and it “triggered” you then you have an emotional charge to that word.

It means it can be thrown at you and you could lose your sheeeet...

But here’s the weird thing..

Most fellas will say their trigger words in their head to themselves while trying to play golf

and how can that be helpful when you’re tying to do something difficult.

You must learn to deal with the trigger

Deal with the trigger so it won’t bother you anymore.

A great resource on this is anything by Mark Divine

Or you could just go here

John Seton

Diets, Facebook And Rest

Diets, Facebook and Rest

Quick recap for the week.

Monday " 1 to 5 Reasons to join Unbreakable"

Tuesday " Email This Morning "

Wednesday " Go Mea Gan Today

Thursday " Anti Social Media "

Friday " Motivational Friday "

Saturday " Fat Loss and Sleep "

For Unbreakable Golfers  

Go here ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Or questions to

Motivational Monday NO — Friday

A short one today fella and it’s quite motivational...

Not in the motivational way the Mrs hints at something, to get you to do some job you’ve been putting off and then you find out she’s asleep before you get back...

Oh no my friend.

No this is pure motivation that leads to the only thing that matters .... taking action

Its just one simple question....

What is the ONE thing you can do today that will make you week a success...

The one thing that you can look back and be happy with your progress...

The type of thing you would "now" normally put off till Monday

Once you’ve done that...

Take some action towards doing it

That’s it..........

Simple right, but simplicity stops the story’s, and make taking action easier.

If you want some accountability and a specific plan of how to build out your goals in fitness and golf

I can help you with that here

John Seton

Anti Social Media Etiquette

Yesterday I realised have no, and dont no if there is any, Social media etiquette

Reason being.. Facebook

I have no idea where my wall or other peoples wall is. 

I don't know if you are supposed to like posts that are not happy in nature or if thats like Putting LOL after something

The following is how I use facebook..

1) I have group's I'm in (part of programs I pay to be in)

2) I have groups where people pay or have payed me to be in

Both of these type of groups are either about content OR accountability

3) I use facebooks advertising platform

And thats it...

Other than that im pretty much just a chimpanzee at a keyboard pounding the keys and drinking coffee..

yesterday it was mentioned i'd had a lot of messages on my wall from my birthday 3 weeks ago.

And it hit me... 

Should have said thanks.

I would have done in person (well my response would have been cheers fella) 

Cant do it now its like saying happy new year in February, and who wants to be that guy?

The point is there are ways to use advanced system that work very well.

systems that are designed differently then how you may use them to your benefit..

I try NOT to use anti social media for 2 reasons

1) There was a time I'd be checking twitter every hour and that is not productive and

2) A coach (one of the reasons I got on facebook ) said...

"Be careful of facebook, it is a big titted temptress that will suck your time, energy and productivity if you get just a glimpse of cleavage" 

Wise words I'm sure you'd agree.

Its a case of getting "what you need" from whats being used by others in the "limited time" we ALL have available

With Unbreakable Golfers we build something that's been



And used by the golfing and fitness industry and customise it suit your life

Wanna know more?

John Seton