Yesterday I realised have no, and dont no if there is any, Social media etiquette

Reason being.. Facebook

I have no idea where my wall or other peoples wall is. 

I don't know if you are supposed to like posts that are not happy in nature or if thats like Putting LOL after something

The following is how I use facebook..

1) I have group's I'm in (part of programs I pay to be in)

2) I have groups where people pay or have payed me to be in

Both of these type of groups are either about content OR accountability

3) I use facebooks advertising platform

And thats it...

Other than that im pretty much just a chimpanzee at a keyboard pounding the keys and drinking coffee..

yesterday it was mentioned i'd had a lot of messages on my wall from my birthday 3 weeks ago.

And it hit me... 

Should have said thanks.

I would have done in person (well my response would have been cheers fella) 

Cant do it now its like saying happy new year in February, and who wants to be that guy?

The point is there are ways to use advanced system that work very well.

systems that are designed differently then how you may use them to your benefit..

I try NOT to use anti social media for 2 reasons

1) There was a time I'd be checking twitter every hour and that is not productive and

2) A coach (one of the reasons I got on facebook ) said...

"Be careful of facebook, it is a big titted temptress that will suck your time, energy and productivity if you get just a glimpse of cleavage" 

Wise words I'm sure you'd agree.

Its a case of getting "what you need" from whats being used by others in the "limited time" we ALL have available

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John Seton