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Golf Performance

Golf Wank'a

Golf Wank'a

A friend of mine who is a golfer,

Has this theory that if you don't like golf you’re probably a fisherman. 

In his words, if you're not a "golf wanka" you're definitely a "fishing wanka"

It got me thinking what is it about golf that the fisherman I know hate so much.

Let's be clear, there probably are fellas that happily do both but,

They're probably single and don't have kids because who has the time to do both.

In my opinion, why would you go fishing on a nice sunny day if you could play golf?

Any of my pal's that hate golf are ALL fishermen.

So what is it about fishing that they can’t get from golf.

Is it, sitting rather than walking?

The fact that a good day is one that makes your hands stink of fish.

Is it the lack of camouflage golf equipment.

With that being said Would you join a fitness program called The FishMob?

What about Unbreakable Fisherman?

I’d like to write the sales copy for that

"Learn to get more power out of your rod in 28 days"

"Let me show you a mindset technique not to get overwhelmed by the slightest wiggle of the sensitive end of your rod"

Let's be clear.

What we do can work for anybody who takes action and is not a quitter, but its main focus is male golfers with kids who run their own businesses. 


Because that's who I am,

I know the struggle of working dog sh*t hours to hit deadlines,

The constant thinking about business even when you are not thinking about business,

The guilt of working too hard and being away from your family for far too long.

I built the GolfMob and Unbreakable Golfers because...

I'm a golf wanka and proud of it.

If you're a golf wanka, then the Unbreakable Golfers Online might be for you when it's ready. 

To be on the list when it launches go here 

Nice one.

John Seton 

Unbreakable Golfers Rule Number 4

Above all else, it’s consistency that wins.

Want more consistency?

Consistency comes from habit.

Making something so set in stone that it becomes your behaviour. And guess what,

Your behaviour dictates your results...

So all you really need to do is be more consistent than your competition.

"Surely it can't be that simple"?

Of course it can, if you're consistent, that consistency breeds that magical potion called confidence. The definition of confidence is "the feeling or belief that one can have faith in or rely on someone or something".

So you can’t even see it.

Look at golf...

One of the biggest things golfers say is they wish they could just be more consistent.

While not consistently working one thing until it becomes a habit that they can have faith in and believe in.

The is one thing I currently have faith in and that is that it will piss down whenever I go back to England.

Seriously, if you have a few consecutive days of rain you can guarantee I've paid a visit home.

joking aside, if you want to get better at something or get better results from something then be consistent at it.

Most people won't bother, as it's just too easy for them to find a reason why it can't be done.

Take the fella that wants to lose weight but REFUSES to consistently track what they eat, which would give him the habit to not only know what’s in the food but, also how some foods give him the power to produce and others the tiredness to want to rip someones head off.

If you pick something that you can be consistent at YOU will get better and eventually get where you want to go.

Being consistent is hard but also simple.

I don't always want to write every day, some days I can't be bothered but...

Every day that I do write and send out content it ADDS to my consistency and, the more consistent we are the more we WANT to continue to be consistent at that thing. Funny that.

I remember playing in the “5 club” comps and it was a killer for me.

I'd end up playing a golfer well over 60 and getting beat every time because they were CONSISTENTLY never in trouble.

And for me in golf, like my school years, it's inevitable that at some point I will end up in trouble.

Pick something today and plan to do it for the next 28 days (some research say 6 weeks but let's keep it simple)

Stick at it for 28 days then check your results at the end.

YOU will surprise yourself more than any magic pill or new fad or top of the mountain advice.

Little note, make it simple or you will give up...

If you want a complete blueprint to build new habits, break old beliefs then you might be a good fit for Unbreakable Golfers Online, However...

1) The online version is far from being ready.

2) If you’re a quitter this is not for you, and most importantly

3) It will require you to get out of that comfort zone that keeps you trapped like a self-made prison of stories, habits, and behaviours.

If you wanna know more when the online version is released you will need to be on the list.

You can do that here. 

Nice one

John Seton

Who Am BM I

Who Am BM I

The BMI scale does take some heat but we gotta remember it’s just an indicator.

It’s an indicator of potential health risks and illnesses.

Like not wearing a seatbelt, in the way that it doesn’t mean you’re going to be "in" a car accident.

Having a high or low BMI doesn’t mean you’re definitely going to be ill or have health issues.

However like not wearing a seatbelt if you do smash into another motor the chances of you being OK are worse. 

Same with your BMI, if you do have health issues, they can be more likely regardless of where they might come from. It could come from:

your family, 

your environment, 

or in your job,

Most people only know their BMI when they calculate it on some sort of system like the ones in the gym or even when they used the yoga thing on the Nintendo Wii.

But it’s a simple calculation, you take your weight in kilograms, divide that by your height in meters, and with that answer, divide by your height in meters again.

To maintain a healthy weight, it's recommended to have roughly a BMI of 20 to 25.

Being outside these markers either too high or too low does increase your chances of health and illness issues.

Just being aware of this allows you to make better choices and set better targets because of the long-term goals of trying to be more healthy. 

But no one “really” wants to be healthy do they. 

They say they do but they don't unless something happens, the "full English" hits the fan and, they realise they have to change something lively. 

This is why setting targets that matters to you is the only way you will have any change, whether it be in your body,

your golf 

in how calm or how stressed you are 

or the way you want to change the way you live.

Set targets that you actually care about, and if you can set them based on not only moving towards pleasure i.e. a better outcome,

But also moving away from pain or a crash without a seatbelt on.

Have a measurement, a baseline that tells you how far you are out of it, gives you the ability to get leverage on yourself to take the actions you need and get the results you want. 

A healthy marker for the body in regards to health is BMI

A healthy marker for the body in regards to the golf swing is the TPI screen

Get screened, know your markers, get leverage on yourself and take the actions you need to become better tomorrow than you are today... 

John Seton 

Nice one...

Dead Man’s Advice To Prince Arry

Dead Man’s Advice To Prince Arry

“ If you look around at what everyone else is doing and do the exact opposite, you will probably never make another mistake for the rest of your life” 

Earl Nightingale

Wise words from the Earl there... Not sure if prince Arry read his books or went through his teachings and applied it (applying it is where most people stop with any teaching) or maybe, he’s related. His middle name could be “Of” like most other Royals. 

He could be Earl Of Nightingale.

And Nightingale could be a place in Canada for all I know.

Back to what he said, 

most of the guys I know who have had serious results have done it by doing things differently, 

Not following the crowd, 

Not falling into the 9 to 5 plan, 

Generally not taking orders and testing what they think might work regardless of what others say. 

So that's why when you get an idea that seems different you might want to resist all the urges to dismiss it. 

Some might fail and some might drop embarrassingly like a collision between Didier Drogba and Jens Lehmann. 

But the odd one might be the difference to actually getting what you're after... 

And if we are all honest, isn't being better what were are all after, improvement however slight, surely maintenance and slowly getting worse can't be what it's all about, 


If you want more distance and a better body for golf, then the GolfMob might be for you,

It is a little different, 

But, You can do the same old and get the same old 


You can do something different and get something totally different, either way, 

The deadline is Friday. 

John Seton 


Nice one 

What Kermit The Frog Can Teach You About Your Body 

What Kermit The Frog Can Teach You About Your Body 

There's that old saying ( well, heavily paraphrased) 

Chuck Kermit the frog in a pot of boiling water and he will jump out double lively, BUT, gently place him in cool water, and very slowly turn the heat up and he will stay in there until it’s the start of the end of the muppets franchise. 

What happens is poor old Kermit had no idea that things are slowly getting worse, he knows it's not all good but thinks things ain't that bad. 

That thinking keeps him in the pot until it's too late and miss piggy has to explain to gonzo why it was curtains for Kermit. 

So what can you learn for Kermit's slow long and easily avoidable demise? 

“Things can't keep getting worse without doing something about it or ultimately the frog hits the fan”

With your body, it starts with clothes not fitting like they used to, a backswing that doesn't move as well, more aches and pains until something finally breaks and you think how in the hell did I get here. 

Don't be like Kermit, not only is he green with envy of golfers over 40 swinging the club like they are in their twenties and look like they’re in there thirty’s but, he's a frog and you ain't. ( however, I am very much like a chimp that's been let out into society). 

So be aware of things that are getting worse and take action to stop them before it goes way too far, even better take-action to reverse the effects and actually get better as you get older.

As-luck would-ave-it... 

I have just the thing but you must know this. 

It requires work, daily work (however somedays only minutes a day) 

It's also not easy if it was everyone would have the results that are possible. 

But it is a simple to follow plan, that destroys the bull-sheet excuses of time and not knowing what to do.

It's here and there are only 5 days left to get in the January one. 

John Seton

Nice one