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Pain Free Golf

A Case Against Reducing Calories.

A Case Against Reducing Calories.

One thing this lockdown has increased, is the consumption of all those foods people ain’t supposed to eat.

The crisps,

The biscuits,

The chocolate,

And of course the booze, (saw this in a Facebook group. “Can anyone recommend a good morning beer”. Quality), or anything that people eat and then beat themselves up for eating it afterwards.

So most people will be looking to cut calories this week (or at least thinking about it) but,

Why reduce calories without knowing how much someone needs to eat to not be


worn out or


What if reducing calories is the “last thing” someone needs right now, because it's the food or the booze that's keeping them sane and stopping them going crazy.

We need to work back from what the target is… Is it to feel better or look better.


The GolfMob is about weight loss and distance, whereas Unbreakable Golfers is about power and energy.

You can have all of the above results, but if you chase two targets you can be pulled into different directions.

Most people need to eat more specific foods for power and energy and eat the right amount (for them) for weight loss.

The difference is subtle but the results can also be dramatic.

Will you be adding stress or removing it?

Think of it like this,

You can only get results if you are CONSISTENT and you can only be consistent if you are COMMITTED.

You cant be committed if you don't know what to do from day to day and what the long term target is.

Your commitment comes from a clarity of knowing what to do and a desire to go after what you want without doubt or excuse.

If you want to have results it comes from having a plan to follow and you can stick to on your  WORST DAY.

When you don't feel like it,

When you are stressed and can't get away and,

Feel like you just want to give up because it's not worth it.

You can't be fully committed to a negative target, eventually, you will give up and that just adds to the story that “you can't do it”.

Here’s a suggestion, find something you can be committed to, Something that makes you want to get better.

Something you can use to keep you motivated when everyone else is telling you not to bother, which is more about them than you. (this can be because if you have success, it shows up their failure to not do the work needed)

If you can't be committed it's not "if" but "when" you give up take time off and start again.

The GolfMob has the simplest eating plan you can find, it's based around four fundamentals, that if you can't stick to then it's just your commitment.

If you are committed, you can get the following FREE here

But act fast, as continuing to do the same things, will only get you the same results.

John Seton

Nice one

Wolf Of Wall Street type lessons in fitness. 

Wolf Of Wall Street type lessons in fitness. 

Trying to convince fellas to get into shape is a lot more difficult than trying to convince women. 

The reason why is, the whole fitness/health industry is built on the concept that its;

“Not Your Fault” 

Meaning, that all anyone has to do is tell the client that what they have been doing is wrong, they've been lied too, it wasn’t them, it was the program, the government, the food companies etc.. 

What this does is it means that people jump from program to program, plan to plan, diet to diet all while blaming everyone else and the whole fitness industry keeps turning because the client just moves from one cash register to another, with NO LONG TERM RESULTS... 

Now, take the film the Wolf Of Wall Street (Great movie), there is a scene in the film when 

Matthew McConaughey is telling the young Jordan Belford (the wolf) about how to keep clients re-investing in the next “idea” and it just keeps going, and going and going.

And so it is with fitness:

It’s not the program or the training that really cuts weight off it just two simple things. 

Accountability and Consistency to the plan. 

That is it!

Now when you are talking about strength, skill, motor pattern learning then the program is massively important, but not in reducing “Da pudding”. 

Now, my friend, the GolfMob does do all of the above but it can only work if YOU are accountable to your actions and stay consistent with them. 

Unbreakable Golf rule number 1. “It’s Always Your Fault” puts us in power as men, to be accountable for our actions. 

We either do the work and get the result or we don’t and try to justify why we didn’t. 

There will be one area in your life right now where you know that you are getting the rewards because of your hard work and effort. 

It's the same with anything else. 

Here is the question, where are you right now not getting the results you want?

Next, what can you do tomorrow to change that and start getting the results you need from it. 

The GolfMob is a 30-day transformation plan, that also adds distance too.

So if you wanna see what it looks like it’s here. 

John Seton 

Nice one. 

6 Ways To Become An Unbreakable Golfer.

6 Ways To Become An Unbreakable Golfer.

While the Golfmob is about losing da fat, Unbreakable is about health and better yet long term health, based around 6 pillars that hold up the foundation.

Water, food, corrective exercise for movement, focused exercise that takes you towards your target, removing self-limiting beliefs (outside of finance the only other thing that can hold you back) and the ability to be calm under pressure.

Let’s dig a little deeper,

Water (the correct amount for you to keep your brain healthy), whilst adding the following when needed at certain points of the day, lemons, greens, oil, unrefined sea salt etc..

Foods, Anti-inflammatory foods (when you need to recover) brain-boosting foods and reward foods for your sanity and dopamine drip needed.

Non-hippy meditation, no white robes, simple effective and so well hidden from view,  you can do it with your eyes open (it can actually make the Mrs think you are listening to her, one of the worlds greatest skills) adapted for golf of course.

Breaking self-limiting beliefs. There are stories that run around your head and the mind backs them up with evidence, but that evidence is based on a version of you that no longer exists, as "He" is in the past.  Change those stories, and the self limiting belief is replaced, which stops you going backwards.

Corrective exercise that fixes the issues that plague your body now and will only get worse with age. (this is where real skill improvement and motor pattern re-learning is).

Exercise that fixes your health, this could be walking, running or Jiu-jitsu, but the real power is in having it coupled with your corrective exercise and motor pattern learning.

It’s that simple...

Notice I didn’t say easy, cos it’s not.. It requires hard work, commitment and a willingness to make mistakes and more importantly by getting a little uncomfortable. 

But doing the above, will make you look and feel better, be less wound-up by what the news or people around you say (even your kids) and will make you happier and maybe even horny.

It all depends on what side this has registered on the give-a-shxt-o-meter, then I would have you consider,  one side of this meter is a man full of energy and confidence while on the other side is an angry man who finds it difficult to get out of a chair, addicted to pain killers and lacking true focus..

Anyway, take one of the above and apply it today, then tomorrow the next one and so on and so on..

If you need some help with that then Hold Tight.

John Seton 

Nice One 

What do Golfers think about during Lockdown?

What do Golfers think about during Lockdown?

I’ve thought it, ave you? (if we ain't all millyons in debt of course)  of all the cool things to do, all the exotic places to go when this is all over, like:

“The spike bar” after a round on a Saturday,

Walking in there starving hungry, with your scorecard in hand, just double-checking the scores cos it was close, still ranting about that 4-foot straight putt, ordering a pint, some food that includes your hot meat of choice, and then taking a seat and looking up at the telly watching Jeff Stelling give you the current football scores while seeing if your football bet is still going.

Whoever thought, that was heaven...

However, most golfers are trying to think up ways to play golf around the house like Chevy Chase in Caddyshack...

Putting golf balls into Pringle packets, going crazy when someone throws away that packet, searching Amazon and eBay for golf nets while at the same time watching golfers hurt themselves with makeshift nets on the internet.

In Spain, we are coming to the end of week 3, or 4, I’ve lost count. If you’re not that far in yet beware that it happens.

If the news is anything to go by, we are in it for a while.

So you might have to start thinking of other things to do that helps your golf.

That can be with how you “think” about your golf which comes down to your “mindset” (Which Unbreakable Golfers will sort out) or your body which will focus on your “skillsets”.

Working on those two things could mean that when you do finally get back on the golf course your body and mind will be in a better position for the forces you will be putting on your body.

So herein lies the question.

What are you actively doing while things are changing to upgrade and improve your body and mind, so that when you do finally get on the course you are more powerful?

A follow-up question, if you are doing nothing, then why not?

John Seton

Nice one



So I've spent a large part of my dad-adulthood life building LEGO, and the one thing with this as soon as it’s built, the kid's brains light up and they decide what they need to;

Find next, Get next, Build next,

Like everything else in life, building LEGO is very simple if you follow the plan that’s laid out in front of you. Turn one page, do 5 things than turn the page and do 5 more.

VERY simple.

As we get older though we want to make everything more complex. The more complex the better it sounds when we are telling people about it. But do you know what happens with complex.

Nothing..WE don't get results with complex, we tell the story that we need;

More time, more training, more information, or

the right equipment and that means nothing gets done, other than us telling people how cool it is. But SIMPLE is where it's at. With simple, you can do it with very little excuses, just a question

Did I do it today?

The problem with simple is people think "It can't be that simple" and with that, I call Bullsh*t.

Doing one simple thing every day beats doing the complicated thing

once a month.

Take anything, food, exercise, quality time with family and not being glued to the phone,

Everyone thinks they need to have the perfect plan for them to get results. Don't get me wrong the more tailored any plan is the better..

BUT the perfect plan done once a month will not compete with an imperfect simple plan done every day.

So here's the question.

1. What is the one thing that you've been putting off doing because it's too difficult?

2. What is the first thing you can do today to get started?

Because thats the hardest bit.

John Seton