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Weight loss for golfers

Monkey Typing... 

Monkey Typing... 

I set up a new offer, put in all the work to build it out but missed one tiny detail with a bit of code on my site that sent keen golfing Mobsters to the wrong page. 

The thing is by testing it out we found the issue and now it can be sorted. 

Lucky for me I have made so many of these mistakes with software (I am just a shaved monkey who types with the bottom of my fists) so this is just a lesson for me to fix and not jump to something else and say it doesn't work. 

Jumping from one thing to another and not sticking to something long enough to get a result.

Doing this causes you to think that what you’re doing isn't working or worse YOU can’t do it because you are not good enough and it causes you to give up again and again and AGAIN. But the fact is if you are really not good enough then you shouldn’t give up because guess what...

You need the fxcking practice....... 

What would be possible for you if you refused to give up when you were struggling?

There is where you are today and there is where you want to go tomorrow and the difference between those two points is GETTING BETTER... 

Getting better at making the right food choices, removing the sheesh that doesn't serve you, adding in the food that makes you feel full of energy... 

Doing the work on yourself to be more confident in what you are doing because you have done the reps... Lots of them...  

Where does this need for perfectionism come from?

A need to show no weakness... 

But to get better you have to strengthen what is weak. 

You can do that here and it will get you to hit the ball further and lose that derby, but it requires you to struggle at the start...

John Seton

Nice one 

Can I have a utility bill?

Can I have a utility bill?

It always makes me wonder why when you are making a big purchase you need to provide a utility bill. 

Think about it, it is just a piece of paper easily forged with today's computers and scanners etc. 

Not proof that you are not behind on your payments just that you may own someone money. 

Driving licence with your address on it, passport with your address on it and a bit of paper that proves you might pay for something that really doesn't prove anything. 

Surely this is just something that was implemented a long time ago when it was important and has just been kept on because of habit. 

We all do things out of habit, good and bad... 

We eat when we're not hungry out of habit. 

How many people do you know that only smoke when they have a drink. 

All out of habit and none of it a necessity just because it was something we did once and still do now. 

This could be giving up all the time, not doing what you know you should or lying to yourself about what you’re gonna do. 

But the thing is, if it is just a habit it can be changed. 

Some are easier than others but just realising that it is something you do because you’ve always done it stops the stories of why you can't change. 

Habits are just doing something so often it's done on automatic. 

So any new habits you want to build can be built just by doing it more often. 

You might find that the biggest thing holding you back us just a habit you used years ago and it no longer serves you.

What is your biggest habit you have right now that is holding back getting what you want?

What would be possible if you just stopped doing it?

This is why the foundation week to the GolfMob is probably the most important part of the whole program. 

It allows you to find and break old habits before you even do any exercise. 

Wanna know more my golf obsessed geeezer,  then the link below will tell you more and give you the foundation week for free.

Chop, chop…

John Seton

Nice one

5 ball and 1 in the arris

5 ball and 1 in the arris

Saw this quality video last week... 

5 Golfers have one ball teed up, they are in a circle, they spin a bottle and whoever the ball ends up pointing too has to hit the ball at the others while they leg it. 

Cue shots in the arris, one in the centre of the back (where you do get to hear a bit of bass as it hits him) and what follows is laughter on the course. 

Which is something that has been missing for a long time. 

And because it was in a golf group, there were no comments from long-nailed keyboard tough-guys telling them why they can’t have fun or play by certain rules, which is a problem people face in today's world where the thought police dictate the narrative of what people can and can’t think or say. 

That's the best thing about golfers, don’t get me wrong there are as many pricks in golf as there is in life but we are the last group who are told how to think. 

No-one is telling us we have to buy a certain golf club and avoid another because of Bolitics. 

If a golfer wants to play a noodle over a Pro v 1 that's his choice. 

Yet in another group like weight loss and health, you are told exactly what you are “allowed” to eat, do etc... 

But if you make what you eat as simple as possible, (Like the GolfMob 4 pillars for example) you will not feel like you are being “told” what to do but you have a very simple framework to stick too.

So what you can do is find your weak link and either strengthen it or lose it altogether. 

This allows you to keep most of the other stuff you enjoy and don't feel like you are being “controlled”. 

What could happen if you had a framework to follow that was simple and had the flexibility to still have a pint, still eat meat, and still have a laugh. The thing is,

You won't stick to anything if you hate it. 

So why not pick something that will not only work but also be flexible enough that you can still enjoy what you do. 

If you wanna know more about the four pillars, you can find out more here.

John Seton

Nice one

Apptastic Arson

Apptastic Arson

Had an offer to test out my stuff on a new phone app.

Not a little app either, but a fully-fledged million dollar invested app.

But at the same time, I’m currently spinning a lot of plates in the air and even though I have excitement about the opportunity, with the clarity I came to the following question.

Do I need something else to focus on right now, something else to master?

When it comes to technology I’ve learnt out of necessity rather than enjoyment.

It was a case of having to learn new things, sometimes wanting to put my fist through a computer screen and years of having my monkey fingers struggle with typing words.

But it was necessary to do what I wanted to do.

You probably face the same feeling about looking after your body.

Do you really need something else to think about,

to do,

to focus on with everything that you’ve currently got going on in your life right now.

That fear can be overwhelming and the brain will do all it can to stop too much mental energy being spent. (the reason why you do the things you know are wrong for you but you just can't stop it).

At the same time, this avoidance of doing what you know will help you can sometimes make you eat shit you don't want to eat and drink yourself silly to numb the pain.

However, being challenged and getting out of our comfort zone is what makes us grow, even if we don't achieve what the original target was.

We can only do the best with the information we have available to us right now. 

Trying to be perfect is for fake people on Facebook.

Anything worth having has a new starting point, and at that point, we are gonna suck at it, and if you're like me when the struggle hits you say “this is bollox” and consider arson.

But, if we don't TRY to do something different it will always be the same results.

For me, I’m gonna test this app out, and if I don't have the time at least I played around with it and learnt something that may help me later.

If your tired of feeling tired, pissed off of being pissed off then maybe you need to do something different.

Something really different is Golf stacking (combining fitness to your golf desires) if that's the case then you might fancy this:

John Seton

Nice one

Reduced LockDown.

Reduced LockDown.

Its day 1 of reduced lockdown here in sunny Spain. 

Which means more movement, shops open and maybe (depending on numbers in there) a pint at “Bar Differente"

You may still be massively restricted in what you can do, based on the rules of others, but what about the rules and restrictions you put on yourself.

Are you desperate to get going, to get results, to get back to normal but still feel trapped and think that it's out of your control? 

This thinking causes a desire to make excuses as to why we haven't got the results we want. 

With 8 weeks locked up I’ve done a shit load but still have a feeling I should have done more.

Understanding that our results are down to us and not anyone else gives us power. 


If it's someone else's fault you can't do anything to change it.

We can blame time for not looking after ourselves, or blame not knowing what to do next as the problem for not getting results. 

If you decide that you are 100% responsible for your results then you have power. 

You can take the actions needed to get that result. 

No self-imposed lockdown. 

Realise that the only thing stopping you getting the results you want is deciding to go and then being committed until you get there. 

There are many ways to get there but you need to pick one and stick with it until it no longer moves you forward. 

If what you are doing is working for you right now then changing to anything else (Even if it's the GolfMob) will be a waste of time and energy.

Why would you change something that's working,  that's just self-sabotage fella.

But if what you are doing now is not getting you the results you want then you need to find something that will and have the courage to change without excuses.

It’s all laid out for you here

I can show you the way, but I cant do the work for you.

John Seton

Nice one.