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More Time

More Time

How much more could you get done if you had more time?

It can seem as though there are not enough hours in the day to get what we currently have on our plate, let alone adding in more stuff to do. 

You can’t eat right as there’s not enough time,

You can’t exercise right, not enough time 

You can’t start something new as you don’t have enough time to finish the old stuff you still ain’t done. 

That big to-do list always on your mind and reminding you at the end of the day of what you haven’t done and how you will have to try again tomorrow, where there will be more shit on the shovel then the day before.

This can lead to constantly being distracted, and having so much to do you can’t think straight that you have to have a rest before you’ve even started, and you just want to tell everyone to do one, and maybe throw a few Spanish elbows and the odd Scottish kiss... 

But I’m gonna have you consider that you don’t need more time to waste and feel burnt out what you actually need is:

More energy... 

When you have more energy things get done quicker, things (and people) trigger you less, you want to do, More not less.

You are unaware of being too busy to do anything because your busy getting things done.

Now herein lies the not so secret, secret for more energy and more time available. 

It comes not from any magic hard to find food or elaborate exercise program, but from doing things that "help" you daily rather than hurt you. 

All you need to do is more good stuff, less bad stuff while curating what you read and listen too. 

Not possible to plan all that above?

Well, how about this my angry friend. 

Do not eat anything that YOU consider to be bad for you for one week and eat as much of what you consider good and see how you feel. 

Not easy with the stress or boredom of the day and probably not much fun but, 

It's very simple to follow and you will have more energy. 

If that sounds too restrictive and you want a plan that’s a lot more fun while helping you and your golf daily, 

The outrageous self-aggrandizing link is here. 

Nice one. 

John seton  

It Doesn’t Look Correct, Not Sure Why...

It Doesn’t Look Correct, Not Sure Why...

Since September I’ve been helping teach the juniors at Matrix Jiu-jitsu...

Teaching something whether it be a concept you understand fully or, you are just learning will always enhance your understanding of it and that's because

you are accountable for what you share.

One thing I’ve noticed above all is when Professor teaches something new from the curriculum, and the juniors start practicing it,

I can tell by looking at what the juniors are doing, and knowing it doesn't look right,

Then the professor will show exactly what's not right and why, the Juniors correct it, and the outcome becomes an entirely different and effortless move.

Little details that are crucial to the execution of the technique and how one small thing relates to another and the benefits and results, it brings.

With golf performance and starting with the TPI screen, its aim is to identify what problems may be happening in your golf swing and how it relates to your body, or you could say, what problems you are currently having in your body and how they are affecting how efficiently you swing a golf club.

You might look at your swing or your body and know it doesn't look right, your not sure what it is, but you can see somethings off.

Having a fundamental baseline to check too (as there is no perfect way just the perfect way for YOU) allows you to see whats “off” compared to:

Others like you,

Your past,

What's possible in the future,

This is why one of the fundamentals in the foundation week of the GolfMob Online is getting that baseline...

Where your body is today compared to where we can get it in a week, month, or even 90 days.

The best thing is in a few years, if your body is getting tighter and causing you to lose distance and accuracy, you can go back to your score sheet, re-test and see what's changed and make

the subtle little change that can make the outcome of how you strike the golf ball a whole lot different and seem effortless.


Having a baseline to work too is key to moving forward (and I said this yesterday) if you don't know where you are right now, you can’t know which path to take to get where you want to go.


1) Know where you are right now,

2) Have a baseline to measure that too,

3) Have a plan in place to get to where you want to go,

Take a pen and write down the answers from the 3 points above in whatever it is you want to change...

If that’s Golf Performance, Golf Fitness, Distance, and Fat loss then I’ve saved you the trouble fella.

It's here.

Oh, and the deadline for the foundation week of the January GolfMob is fast approaching, so if the splinters in your gluteus-assi-mus are hurting, get off the fence.

Nice one

John Seton

Two Lively Birds

Two Lively Birds

As I type this, I'm sitting inside at Arte-Sano in Moraira, I have a large latte in a glass cup (who started the glass cup of coffee thing) and there are two birds on the table next to me.They are not on chairs, they are both on the table (well they were they’ve just moved as I type this, hopefully, it wasn't something I'd written down about them, that might make me creepy).

They finished what was left on the table and flew off.

Birds with wings dude, did you think I was talking about women?

Anyway, they both flew in through the glass doors, flew about for a bit then landed on the table.

No one said anything.

I’m not sure if anyone was bothered or even noticed if they did they kept a poker face.

This once happened in a Costa and people freaked out, wondering how they were gonna get it out, staff, customers all obsessed, eyes glued to it as though it was just about to attack someone.

The difference?

It probably happens here all the time, the glass doors are open and in the summer never shut. its normal,

Something that seems the same on the surface but is completely different.

Say for instance a golfer trying to get into that perfect looking top of backswing position that he sees watching sky golf.

He thinks it’s the same position, it looks the same on video (at least to him), it feels like he's doing it right, but are they in the same position?

Is his body physically capable to get into that position and producing a swing that is efficient...

What do I mean by efficient...


If he can get into that position it doesn’t mean it will produce a better result, or

That it won't hurt him long term, or that it's even the best position to get into for his body size, shape, physical condition.

Actually knowing what your body is capable of doing in the golf swing can stop you from doing things that are a waste of time, energy and money.

The simplest way to do that is with the TPI screen.

Even if you can't be ass-ed to fix any issues holding you back, just knowing what you can do and what you can't do physically, can stop you from ending up in pain, keeping you off of the golf course, munching on pain killers and limping like DR House.

If you want me to screen you’ll have to fly to Spain. (however, I might be tempted to set some up with Aimpoint Putting and Kent Golf Coach James Skelton, if you ask him nicely)

Or you can learn the screen, how it affects your ball flight and how to improve it here

Oh, you will cut some timber off with this too, as it's built for golfers who want fat loss. 

Cut off for entry is Friday 17th

John Seton

The “Real Deal” Day

The “Real Deal” Day

So today is the first “real” day of the year right?

You either woke up this morning itching to get going or you couldn't believe that your alarm went off so quickly.

Today is the day that collectively, everyone should be back on track or at least preparing for the same routines (good or bad), actions, and probably the same results that they had in 2019.

It’s agreed that the guys who will get the best results this year as a-posed too aimlessly jumping from one thing to another are those that have a plan.

It might just be an outline, a sketch even only a rough idea of what's possible, but they have a plan to take action.

If someone wants to improve their swing this year they should have a plan of “Action Steps” needed to improve their swing.

What do I mean by action steps?

It could be largely detailed like working with a pro consistently or it could be as simple as committing (that means paying readies, not just booking) to require the services of the pro they believe can get them the results they have been unable so far.

If someone wants to improve their body, committing to working with someone who can teach them how their body can be changed to work better for them in everyday life.

Or even better,

They can have a plan, that allows them to change their  body and have those results interplay with results in their golf swing, getting results in both.

So however you are feeling on this “real deal” day, make a commitment to get better,

Just build out a plan by getting clear on where you are right now and where you want to be this time next year (you’ll surprise yourself with what's possible in under 12 weeks).

Even using the maps app on your phone, it’s useless without knowing where you are going to start from and where you want to go.

Like maps, there are several ways to get from A to B but I would rather get there as soon as possible without, traffic congestion.

If fat loss is a target for you this year (that's most people by the way) or even better its a target for you this month (not the procrastinators) then the January opening of the Online GolfMob could be just for you,

But a warning, the deadline for the 7 days on-boarding part of the course is in just over a week.

To get on board before then go here 

John Seton

I can’t get better. 

I can’t get better. 

Questions that open the mind compared to answers that close the mind. 

But saying “I can’t” ends all possible follow up as it is final but, the question of, 

How can I?

Opens up the mind for thinking and problem-solving. example. 

I can’t do this today because (enter any reason that stops you ), or as above change the answer to a question and ask “how can I do this today?”, 

This in itself allows the mind to search for answers, not all will be any good and some might actually be crazy but, the odd couple will actually be potential solutions that would at worst require more thinking and, problem-solving and at best give you the solution to the problem that allows you to, take action and get the desired results. 

You may find that you are lying to yourself and the true answer isn't “You can't” it is actually 

“You won't”

You either will do what needs to be done, or you won't... 

That's on you, you will either put it off till you have time, 


Tell a story (which unless you have proof that's all it is) of why it won't work for you 


You will do what needs to be done. 

It’s that simple. 

With simplicity, we remove 80% of the excuses of which 80% of them are surface easily overcome nonsense...

And simplicity can give you the ability to take action and stop the stories. 


What does any of this have to do with golf performance and getting better?

Do you think you can’t look after yourself or is it just you won't?

Do you think you can’t make the time or is it just that you won't?

Do you think you can’t because it’s too difficult or you won’t because you don’t know a simpler way? 

Just ask yourself the question “HOW CAN I?” and your mind will open up to all the potential possibilities that are available to you if you just allow yourself to think and problem solve. 

And if you want a simple way to add distance to how far you nut the golf ball, while you build better habits that allow you to improve daily then you might be a good fit for this. 

John Seton