UNBreakable golfers

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So we had our first GolfMob session in 5
weeks this week.

And dude I needed it,

There is nothing like Focus and a
deadline to put YOU on fast track.

This week everything was different

Everything was clearer,

crystal clear,

You would think that adding more to my
plate would make me

More tired,

Feel more overwhelmed,

And produce less


The fact is now I HAVE to PRODUCE.

When YOU have to produce it takes away
all the stories.

It takes away YOUR ability to fill time
with the non urgent unimportant stuff
and focus on the Important stuff

Being accountable to others is the
biggest way to stop your bullshit and
just take ACTION

It's human nature to not wanna let those
around you down

For your golf, commit to something that
has consequences if you don't follow

Plan to Play in a team event.

You're be more likely to put the
practice in if there's a chance that

YOU might let others down

It doesn't guarantee you success but it
will make you work harder and commit

To getting better.

The thing is dude

Getting better every day however small
breeds confidence

And who doesn't want to be MORE

If you wanna be part of a team that will
keep you on track and stop the bullshit

Click this link and get in touch


Gotta go

I've got work to do



Golf Performance Therapy & Golf Fitness