Invest in Yourself, you are an asset,

An asset to your family,

An asset to yourself,

An asset to your business

If you stop investing in yourself you will slowly decline,

Quickly decline in some instances.

You can’t get better if you don’t take the time and have a commitment to grow,

Are you getting better?

Read a book on something you’re weak in, take a course, hire a coach and be aware that....

Any fool can throw money at something ...

But time,

Investing in something with TIME is how you grow,

how you change where you are today to where you could be tomorrow.

Invest In Yourself, it can never be a waste because at worst you’ve just learnt a valuable lessons, at best...

You’ve built a new skill or vastly improved another one.

Just aim to be a little bit better today than you were yesterday,

Then it’s impossible not to grow. 

John Seton