UNBreakable golfers

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Ask John

Time for a Q & A

These have been shortened and edited for

First question...

QUESTION: John, You say that all the Golf
mob stuff is in the yardage book, do you
do the GolfMob at unbreakable golfers


I have printed the full workout plans in
the book so golfers have no excuses to be
able to better themselves for the rest of
the year.

However, I'm not sure how long they will
stay in there as at somepoint I intend to
do the Golfmob online, Just its not
currently a prioriry.


QUESTION: John, How can you honestly get
better in one day?

JOHN: Limitations are put on the body by
the brain out of fear. If you change, like
injury's,  your body will compensate, this
leads to different movement patterns

If the new pattern continues, this becomes
the norm, You just remind the body by
moving in the OLD pattern, a little
resistance (Bands) and the old parttern
returns and that Aha moment

Last one..

QUESTION: John, Why do you focus on the
mind so much,

JOHN: Ok, this is by far the hardest to
explain but the simplest to show, ALL
tension is controlled by the brain.

The brain tells the body to hold tension
in certain places because of how the body
is being used,

To be more efficient,

IE, if you drive to work, sit all day at a
PC, drive home, then sit on the sofa your
are telling the body that you need it to
be adapted to this position to be more

as its the most frequently position used,

Then you go try to play 18 holes, 

Think differently, move beter, be better

Plus I've seen that the average person (In
the US) can receive up to 3000 pieces of
information a day in the form of

Adverts, TV, Internet,

Alerts, text, whats app, email

And of course anti social media

So if you dont unplug you become exhausted

Thats it for this little Q & A

If you want me to answer any questions
send them through and I'll do it in this
new format

If you want more info for Unbreakable go


John Seton