Been reading this book called brilliance
It's about a new type of human
They have certain hightend senses
One can read patterns in numbers
So he pretty much closed down the stock
exchange, but
The main character can read body
Basically it makes him a badass in a
As he can tell how someone is gonna
throw a punch
By reading their expressions
And do you know what fella?
That's what I do
I can't tell by your face that your
gonna throw a right hook
(However I can tell when the Mrs is
about to throw a headbutt)
But when I check movement patterns
I watch the face as well
Cos it tells me how much of a struggle
it is for YOU to do the movement
Think of it like this
If you have to hold your breath to do a
simple movement then you don't OWN that
If you can't breathe comfortably in a
certain movement
Your body will not like to go there
It fears that movement
This is something I cover extensively in
the clinic
Click this link if you wanna know more
And why we get such quick results
John "Brilliance" Seton
PS Because the focus of the session is
to get MORE out of your GOLF
It works while you practicing as well
Anyone else you see do that?
If so click unsubscribe as you probably
don't need my help
If not I'll see you tomorrow