So last night was a killer,
yep the dreaded 1 hour of pain
You know the ones
Normally around 2am when you're in a
deep sleep
"Daddy, Daddy"
Yep my daughter played every game last
Started with
"My nose" ( runny nose) then
"I need a wee wee" then
"I need water"
And the last
"It's scary in here"
You go from helper to Mr " now stop
fukkking about "
Back to "are you ok" when they say "
it's scary"
But then when they drop off
You're AWAKE
Contemplating getting up
But of course you do get to sleep and
then can't get up
Your mornings now fukkked,
But you have to get it back on track
immediately or your day's fukkked
You do this by getting your mind right
Meditation, the Work or just a funny
thought will help
Mine was a thought about my pal who has:
Twins on the way
and he won't be getting a lot of sleep
After that, I didn't feel too tired
Sometimes it's ok to laugh at others to
feel better,
So if you're struggling with your day
Get your morning right
You will need to know what works best
for YOU
But there will be something.
Something that puts you in power
Something that says
"Fukkk you day"
If you're tired in the morning cos you
can't get comfortable at night
Maybe you're in pain
If so
Get in touch and I'll get you sleeping
Feeling better
Moving better
So you can say fukkk you day
John "was tired" Seton
PS your body has to be given the
opportunity to recover
To be put in a position so it can speed
up recovery
Find out how here