During my boy’s online English lesson the other day I messed up in front of the whole class. 

The teacher was struggling with Zoom, questions from the kids flying at her like a press conference for Trump. 

The camera and audio on our end was off. Or so I thought. 

Somehow the teacher accidentally unmuted everyone just as I decided to take over and read the entire sheet of questions (With comical effect of course) to my boy and everyone in the class with a funny accent. 

When coming to the end of my Presidential type speech I heard from the “Unusual” silence off the computer, one of the kids say:

“Who’s dad is that talking, he sounds weird” 

Now it takes a big man to admit when he's wrong, own up and face the music, but,.....

At 5 foot 8 and a bit, I am not a big man, so I just pressed mute and watched the last 10 minutes of the class, full to pieces while standing there embarrassed. 

That’s the problem with embarrassment, it stops you either dead in your tracks or causes you to lash out and blame others. 

The thing is it showed me that I need to be more aware, I could have been swearing my ass off and made it all a whole lot worse, and led me to the following point:

“What you do in private shows up what you do in public”

If you can overcome the embarrassment of making mistakes you can learn and get better results. It’s mistakes where the real learning and growth is, and how you show up in private will dictate how you show up in public. 

The work you put in now when no one's watching gives you results when everyone IS watching. 

There are no overnight successes, just people who have done the work required when nobody was watching.  

Consider that if you were to go about your day today with the idea that you were on show, how much more would you get done?

What results would be possible for you?

If you want to know exactly how to keep yourself accountable when nobody is watching, it is covered at an extensive level in the full foundation week, that is here for you for FREE. 

But it requires you to DO THE WORK REQUIRED, without that you will just be watching the videos and wasting your time and that’s what Facebook is for 

But not the GolfMob, we are about results... 


John Seton 

Nice One