One thing that the-old lockdown has hit is the speed of the internet.

With school lessons online, work commitments on line, sit in front of Netflix and just give me five minutes online, has made the speed of my internet take a serious one in the balls.

So with that, I’ve had new internet installed, the thing is I should have had this done months ago as it wasn't giving me the results it should, but,

I told the story that it was too much hassle and I’ll sort it out next week.

That short term thinking has cost me long term.

Short term thinking is what holds back most golfers getting better results in their body with physical fitness and their mind in, well, mindset.

Not getting the results you want as fast as you should, could be down to thinking that it’s just too much hassle, and you will wait until next week, next month, next year.

So you give up on that idea far too early and beat yourself up for procrastinating.

I do it too, I’m the king of procrastination, but at the same time I’m also consistent as fxck.

All I need is a structure to follow that allows me to take action, based on habit and it kills my procrastination.

If you’ve tried something and failed it doesn’t mean it won't work it just meant that “at that time” it wasn't right for you.

Consider that any previous failures were because you tried to take the easy road.

If you want results in more than one thing you need to walk a more difficult path.

By walking a more difficult path you challenge yourself to stay consistent and with that, it's much better to follow a path that gets you where you want to go and has been walked by someone else.

The path we use in golf performance is more………….

more distance,

more energy,

more results quicker,

If you want that path it's here:

But it requires you to take action and not procrastinate.

John Seton

Nice one.