Not sure if you've seen The Lord of the Rings films, but one Hobbit named Frodo goes on a long walk across land, water, rock and snow...

And he does this in bare feet, without a splinter or even a bit of lego causing him any pain on those un-shoed feet...

Not once does he catch his little toe while walking past an object that he knows was there... (no ironing boards left out unattended in those films).

The cold obviously doesn't bother him either as in all 3 films there is no mention of socks or slippers when things got a bit frosty.

But that would change if Frodo walked across my tiled floor in the middle of the night, as it can feel beyond cold-like walking across the arctic...

At one point, he would have to shoo the penguins away...

I do miss genuine English carpet covering all walkable surfaces leaving just the cold tiled floor for the bathroom..

That's the thing about being in a Spanish villa as opposed to an English House, you don't realise the simple things that you always rely on and old habits die hard...

It's the same with your body.

The flexibility and strength start to decline as you get older and if you are not taking measures to stop that you may find your body and your golf game out in the cold, with chilblains running through your shafts as you come up short on every green.

It might not be practical to lay a carpet down for your body, but you can certainly build more robust measures for keeping out the cold.

One way is here:

John Seton