“I’ll sort that out later”

Easy to say, easy to do yet it can be the biggest anchor to a clear mind... 

I know for me, the one thing I keep putting off is the one thing I should tackle next... 

If it’s on your mind all the time it’s stealing mental energy that can cause, 



And distraction, which leads to the killer of all action and that is sedating...

Whatever is your choice of sedating for you, be it food, booze, Tv, Facebook or YouTube...

What if that sedating could have been avoided by just dealing with the shxt you keep putting off... 

I work much better under pressure, however, being under pressure is a tough place to live constantly...

So I have had to build and use systems, tools and action plans that stop me being a victim and just get me to do what needs to be done... 

Habits build lazy action.....

That’s what a habit is at the most fundamental level, an action you take on autopilot that breeds a result...

You get better results if the habits you take move you forward to your targets or around the obstacles that hold you back, rather then into sedating which just pushes the target farther away.

If you use your behaviour to build habits that help you then the need for motivation and willpower is diminished because you can take the right action on autopilot. 

The Fairway 4 system can be put into any issue to build the right habits and behaviours...

The concepts of that and the way I use it are explained in the Unbreakable Golfers App 

Or you could just sedate, 


John Seton