Follow the follower is a term coined in the excellent book “Lead the Field”

Basically, follow the follower is what starts in school and then grows into adult life.

The idea is if you were to look at a school class you would see how a group of kids would:

Dress the same,

Talk the same,

Laugh at the same things whether what happens is funny or not,

And do all the same stuff stupid or not.

Basically doing what everyone else is doing just to fit in.

With no one actually LEADING

But we see it carry over into work, sport and activities.

In golf for example, the industry has convinced us that the newest equipment is the deal-breaker in what’s gonna change for you.

So every year, every equipment maker has new and improved stuff, (sometimes every 6 months)

I’m not saying it’s not improved, my iPhone is better than my last one but it hasn’t changed anything in my ability to make calls,

Watch football clips or

Waste time…

So how can you improve yourself with or without new equipment?

You focus on yourself.

The ability to improve the weak, soon to be painful areas in your body and more importantly<

The way you THINK about what’s possible for YOU..

You can follow the follower or lead yourself.. 

John Seton

Nice one