So this morning my daughter comes walking down the corridor with one blue shoe on, and one foot with just a sock. 

She then asks “Do I look silly like this?” 

You can imagine what followed, we couldn't find my daughter's shoe anywhere, looking under tables, in every bedroom, outside, on the trampoline, even in the pool with no results. 

I’m now looking up at the clock on the wall knowing that it’s going to make us late while asking her where she put it... 

At this point, I pick up the bag that I placed on the floor only to find that it was under the bag. 

Panic over, 

If you are not aware of what's underneath you can never be ready. 

Preparing your body for what you want to achieve comes down to being aware of what is underneath the surface that will hold you back...

If you don't prepare your mind for what you plan to put your body through you will never stay committed to the actions that will give you the results. 

It doesn't matter if you are overweight, lack confidence in yourself or feels you don't have the balls to go after what you want until you get your mind right the wanted outcome just isn't possible. 

You can lose weight, have more confidence, and build the courage to go after what you want if you;

Get your mind right for what needs to be done. 

You need to focus on your thinking before you do anything if you want to get the best results... 

Be clear, this is not positive thinking, it’s about challenging the stories and beliefs that have been ingrained in you over the years that currently hold you back. 

Change them, and then see what's possible 

Wanna learn how to do this, that is the focus part of the fairway 4, the first step is here. 

John Seton 

Nice One