UNBreakable golfers

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Frank Skimmer

The skimmer (At least I think it’s called that, basically the flap on the swimming pool) broke causing the swimming pool to fill up with debris.

Now, what I should have done was get it sorted right away but I left it and now it's messing up the pool.

Trying to continue making do with something insufficient at getting the job done just leads to things getting worse.

Now it’s a pain in the ass that was easily avoidable, but that's what we do right?

Continuing to leave stuff that needs to be sorted, day in day out and hoping things will work out.

I need to fix things as soon as they stop working for things to get better.

“Take action to fix it or leave it to get worse”

It’s no different trying to look after yourself while just leaving things until it gets to the point that it just won’t work anymore.

If you attack the problem head-on only then will you stop things getting worse...

If you plan to sort something, make it better and want the accountability to stick to it then...

Commit to getting better, tell someone close to you about it (someone who will give you shxt if you don’t pull it off, you should have someone immediately in your mind) build a plan to follow so you don’t second guess yourself, and then stick to the plan.

That plan can cover as little like getting up an hour early or as in-depth as, what to eat, how and when to train, what to focus on and what to ignore.

The ability to stick to it is more important than the plan itself...

So just build any plan and do it now before things get worse.

If you want that plan that will also add distance to your golf swing then I have just the thing here, but...


​​​​​​​It won't help you if you half-ass it, but then again nothing will if you do that and better results won’t be possible.

But like I said, the commitment is more important than the plan.

John Seton

Nice one...