If like me, you are now in more Facebook groups and whats app groups than I’ve ever been in. 

It’s got so bad its actually good. I now hide my phone from me (on silent) for large chunks of the day, and the clarity it brings is powerful stuff. 

However, I did get sucked in to one Facebook group where there was this guy who took up golf after his 40th birthday, and now 2 years later, and a lot of lessons he plays off 11. 

Yes I hated him for a little bit too. 

And he was asking if he should continue taking lessons. 

And the comments.. WOW.. 

You could not believe the difference of replies, from 

“I’ve never had a lesson in my life” to 

“yes but just on short game” and 

“get stiffer shafts first” even

“if you’re off 11 you don’t need them”. 

And then the voice of reason came over the comments section, (completely ignored by the others beating their chest) and said....

“Are you still improving with the lessons?”  Mike drop, walks into the sunset. 

Can you see the difference? All of the comments before were statements, probably based on their own experience (how we interpret everything) where as the last was a question. 

Everyone else had opinions but the question is far more powerful and it boils down to this:

“Is what you are currently doing working for you right now” 

If it is, then stop looking for reasons to self sabotage your progress, or ask a better question, like, 

“What I’m doing is working but (I don’t want to continue to pay, or I want to take a break and not get worse) you get the point. 

If it isn’t then change it. Do something different and see what happens. 

Most people are just after “Permission” and I’ll cover that in another email. 

So what I want you to do next is just ask yourself:

“Is what I’m doing right now working, Yes or No?”

If the answer is NO ask yourself this:

“What can I do today to make it better?”

This is where I would tell you about the GolfMob but it’s shut (and will never have all the accountably it’s had in the past cos that is moving all over to Unbreakable Golfers, more on that in the future) so just take the time to think about the question above. 

Questions open up the mind, so ask better questions.

John Seton 

Nice One 

PS The golfing influence is here, its for over 50 and the offer closes soon 
