Got this message yesterday on Facebook “John, is this you?”. Followed by a link to a youtube video. It’s probably where you click on it, it asks you to sign in to Facebook, and if you do then these wolves have your log in details. (probably hoping that you use the same details for other stuff where they can get your readies). 

I didn’t click it, not because of some deep intuition, it’s because... 

I’ve been caught out before and now know the scam.

Learning from your mistakes is the best way to learn anything. (if you are not afraid of making mistakes that is ). 

Most people make a mistake and then try not to make that same mistake again. 

But not on the golf course, It’s like we are addicted to making the same mistakes. Most golfers will sort out the help they need but only when things get really bad. 

There are a few things we can do that will keep those mistakes away with an outstretched arm. 

For the body, it's as simple as focusing on your core. When we talk about the core we mean your whole midsection including your back and the muscles you use to breathe. 

Anyway, you don't need to do sit-ups, crunches or anything that tiring to have a fully functioning core that helps you control the golf club and support your back. 

One can be as simple as sitting in a chair and trying to breathe into your belly rather than your chest. So why not just try that right now to get started?

This is just one of dozens of tips that will help you, your back and your consistency if you are willing to do them 

If you are over 50 (you cant just feel over 50 for this one son) and want to sign up to our current offer before we pull the plug then go here.

Plus James Skelton will sort your swing-out.

John Seton 

Nice one.