Jim Camp was considered the world's best negotiator, so much so that the FBI changed their whole way of negotiating because of his "NO" system.

His system has many parts but is focused on a few foundational principles.

One of them is his "Vision Drives Decision" principle...

The fact, that people make decisions based on what they see and feel.

Marketers have being doing this for years and know that people buy stuff based on emotion and back that decision up with logic.

Think about the old washing powder adverts getting you to see what's possible for you if you buy their product versus the leading unnamed brand (which your mind feels in who it is).

When you apply this principle to the news, your news feed and WhatsApp videos sent to your phone these visions can help persuade you to make decisions.

wether those decisions are things you want like cutting something out or you don't want like sedating with whatever you use as a coping mechanism for stress.

So this same FBI system can help explain why we sometimes make stupid decisions on the golf course.

You know the ones.

I can't tell you the number of times I've been in the trees, with a poor lie, surrounded by bushes, stumps, leaves, twigs, branches, squirrels and big old trees that resemble something out of first blood. (part 1 obviously)

But what happens is there is a tiny gap that looks straight to the green, a vision of hitting a worldy, talking about it in the bar, telling anyone that would listen,

And then comes the decision to hit it, against all better judgment, and what follows is normally a lot of ricocheting, ducking and swearing.

We can use vision to make decisions to get the results we need,

And that comes with getting clear on what you WANT and WHY and taking the simple daily actions needed to get us where we want to go.

And with building a better body for golf.

It's here
