UNBreakable golfers

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Lessons From BadAss Vikings

Story's have it that when the Vikings used to land on new shores they would...

Burn their ships.

A case of "we either win or we are in serious pony"

By removing the only way of retreating they created forward momentum. 

So how can we do the same thing without being as dramatic. 

How can we put ourselves in a position of "Burning our Ships" without getting done for arson or...

Upsetting the Mrs.

One way is to Publicly declare. 

An example in finess and golf

Lets say you want to lose a stone, you've wanted to lose a stone for a while. 

You tell those close you, your intentions (people you feel safe with and those that wont judge you) 

You also want to cut your handicap by 4 shots, you tell the people close to you and your Golf Pro. 

Now, and this is massively important....

People think they have a problem with failing but people fail in private all the time (not good for confidence but thats another story)

But what people are actually worried about is LOOKING like a failure to others. dont believe me, OK

Take the same goals listed above....

(To lose a stone and cut 4 shots)

Post those goals on Facebook and any-other media you currently waste time on. 

PIN those posts so that anybody that goes to your page, its the first thing they see. 


Which one of the above examples will keep you more motivated to try like gangbusters to succeed.. 

You've just opened yourself up for public failure and made yourself accountable..

You've just Burned your ships... 

This is powerful but very stressful and not the only way.

If you want a way to burn your ships without posting in any social media, we show you exactly how here


John Seton