Lucky Baaaastards
Listen my man as this is the most simple
thing you will hear today.
And probably the most important thing on
getting what you want.
And it aint blowing smoke up your sphincter
I read this quote and it SHOULD change your
thinking on why you dont have what you
currently want regardless of what it is.
"Every event, situation and so called random
chance LUCK starts with ACTION, Even random
lottery winners must buy a ticket"
Yep those lucky bastards we see in the paper
TOOK some kind of action.
The fact is just start.
Just do a warm up
Im not talking about a physical warm up.
Quick example, sometimes I literally cant be
bothered to write an email.
The fact is writing can be hard as I have
something called Cunslexia.
Its like dyslexia but for a certain type of
So sometimes geting an email out can take a
So a warm up is to JUST START writing,
Just start and see what happens.
Your warm up could be for anything
Making those calls you've been putting off,
Clearing out the garage,
Sorting out the Fxxking recycling.
Tell yourself that you just gonna do the warm
up for two minutes and see what happens.
The thing is THINKING is where we go wrong.
You dont do a lot of thinking when your
So start
Whatever it is that you want to do just tell
yourself you will do it for 2 minutes.
If after 120 seconds you still:
Cant be bothered,
Dont have time,
Isn't worth it.
You can stop and go back to how you were before
Do a warm up and see where you get to.
This is something we cover EXTENSIVELY inside
the GolfMob.
We go again very soon
Get in touch if you wanna change the storys
that stop you taking action
While getting in the best shape in years as
well as
Hitting the cover of the Golf Ball
John "Cunslexia" Seton
PS Dude, if you're consistant as Fxxk and dont
need any help to guide you in the right
Then click unsubscribe at the bottom and let
me know who your coach is
Cos even I need to get a little bit better
every day
If not see you tomorrow fella