Here in Spain, there is no golf.

Nowhere to hit balls (legally) and I’ve never wanted to visit a range more in my life.

It feels like back to the days when I used to always have my clubs in the car, just in case I drove past a golf range.

Now I’m here thinking of all the crazy things I was gonna do and didn't get round to before the lockdown.

One of those things was to build an indoor studio in the under-build.

Simply, just a mat, nets, scaffold poles. Imagine being stuck in the house with that. My hands may have been sorer than a teenage boy locked in his room.

Anyway, when it comes to golf, If your course is still open and you are getting to play take this one piece of advice.

Maybe don’t leave your clubs in the locker (if you have one), because at some point clubs may worry about guidelines laid down by the Government, all it takes is one having a bit of squeaky bum time about getting sued at a later date, causing them to do more than reduce the distance between players.

They may stop you entering the facilities and you may not be able to get them for a while.

Meaning, not being able to do some damage indoors like me, (it’s all tiled floors out here which makes hitting anything fat that little bit worse).

Remember Unbreakable Golfers Rule 3, “Only focus on what you can control”.

Well what you can control now is the actions you take to be prepared for what’s going on, and how you will show up when it’s all over.

If you can’t get to play golf you might have to focus on your body and reap the rewards in your golf swing when you can later.

I’ve never seen so much online fitness offers in my life, it may probably change the way the entire world looks and takes action on looking after themselves, as more and more people have to move their business online to keep going.

There could be some very valuable content out there for FREE as more and more people panic throwing plans, and systems together at the last minute.

As for the online GolfMob it took years to put together and was finished way before any crisis going on.

FREE, I’m afraid not. The fact is it works like nothing else I’ve seen and a program this hard that gets golfers fit and adds distance requires some type of investment to stay committed.

It was free once, for the first 30 days when it first got launched as doing so allowed me to find and fix any issues that come up before the full launch.

If you want a FREE 30-day program Facebook is blowing up at the moment.

But, if you have time on your hands and want a proven system not created overnight, then the hard work needed for the GolfMob might be what you are looking for. 

Anyway Stay Strong

John Seton

PS. Talking of FREE offers I do have one cooking up with PGA Pro James Skelton, and don’t let the free part of this full you. It’s very valuable and will form part of a paid program we are cooking up.

You have to be over 50 and allow us to use the content as part of the program.

If you wanna know more it’s here