In the ‘Middle” of Friday I suggested you go and get your golf clubs from your locker just in case they close the golf courses and then later that day they were advised to be shut down.

It was more Septic Peg than any great insight (Septic Peg being the Brian Connerly character that predicts obvious things like “the winner will be a Man or a Womon”) and was based on the same situation appnin in Spain one week before.

It’s much easier predicting stuff when you've experienced it yourself.

For instance, I will never aim to hit it over the putting green on the first hole at Wentworth West course ever again.

No, not me my friend...

Experience lets you make better decisions.

Unless of course, you don’t learn from the mistakes you make and continue to repeat them by doing the same stuff over and over again.

Remember what Uncle Albert Einstein said about the definition of insanity.

“Insanity is being addicted to a game of golf and not being able to play it”

or something similar to that, I could look it up and find what he said but I ain’t had a coffee yet and lets face it if he didn't say it...

He bloody well should of..

Point is things are gonna change, new habits will be built, old habits will be broken, things we used to care about will be forgotten and things we've taken for granted will become important to us.

Want experience in how to build new habits while braking old ones, how to assess, correct your body and add distance to your irons when all this shit is over.

Then I have something that takes hard work, persistence, consistency and a FU attitude.

And you can do it on lockdown regardless of if you are in it now or KNOW it’s coming 

John Seton

Nice one

P.S  We also have something else cooking up, but is for golfers over 50 and has some keys terms to get it free
