For me it was being exhausted and in pain all the time.

I spent years in pain,

Body was broken, back used to go regularly and that’s when I would tell the story that I was gonna look after myself

But as soon as I was pain free

I didn’t do anything until....

The next time I was in pain.

Then the story would start again, "gonna look after myself now" until the body broke again.

This constant loop af pain, story, pain , story, 

So I started to study the body and how pain can be treated, and then how exercise and adding foods would actually stop you getting hurt,

Stop you living in pain.

Pain is good, sounds like something a crazy person would say but it's good because

Pain is a request for change, and change cant happen until there is enough pain to WANT to change and get better

The thing is....

Change doesn’t mean better but you can’t have better without change,

There comes a point where something different has to be used to get you to where you want to go, or at least to where you used to be.

Eat right,

Exercise and fix your limitations...

If you wanna see how fella's are waking up with power and not pain,

While plying golf with more confidence as distance.

Then do something different that if you follow, will make you...


John seton