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Golf fitness

"Ray, Don't Mac me off like a two bob, it's Golf"

In the brilliant and hilarious film "Love Honor and Obey"

Before the big gunfight Scene, South London Sean says to North London Ray...

"Ray, Don't Mac me off like a two bob, it's Sunday".

For which Ray replies "Mac, what's that a new term"

What follows is thousands of rounds of ammunition being fired and only one fella gets hit and that was in the ear.

Two things become evident from this

1. You can link things together that don't make sense and get a result.

2. You can take lots of shots at a target and still not hit anything worth hitting.

Golfers do this all the time... They look at Fitness and golf and can't see how they go together... But at the same time understand how the top guys on tour get results by doing it.

Then they take their own shots at targets trying to build a better body for golf while at the same time missing with pretty much everything they try.

Their fitness plans and effort are like a comedy film...

Jumping from one scene to another and end up having more chaos than courage in what they achieve.

The thing is,

The right target matters,

The right action matters,

The right results matter but if you do not link all three up (Target, action and results) what you get is thousands of attempts and very little results and definitely not any that will last.

Simple question...

What is your target for today, how will it make your Mind, Body and Golf better tomorrow?

If you don't have one, how can you think that you can ever improve.

You don't need to be on the course to take actions that will help you on the course...

You just want a plan and a way to measure progress.

Without those two things, your results will say to you "Don't' Mac Me Off Like a Two Bob" when it comes to going after, getting and keeping what you want...

All is revealed in the FREE content inside the Unbreakable Golfers app, but no information no matter how rich and proven it is can do the work for you.

That can only be done with your action and base it around what you Love, Honor and the results you are willing to obey.

John Seton

Morning Medication

Today I got up late, and that is no good for me...

A lie-in is not what I need, I need to get up and get my morning medication.

Not in the dose of pills or injections.

But in how I get my mind and body in the right place before my day starts.

What I do as part of my morning (and it is as important as anything else I do that day) is to, get my mind right, I get my body moving towards my long term targets, as well as the current focus in the business of golf.

Not doing that this morning meant I was chasing the morning and will eventually be chasing the day if I do not get back on track. (which I have now).

It involves cancelling plans and rescheduling anything that will get in the way.

That is how important the start of your day is and it is why Unbreakable front 9 (UF9 the 9 things needed to be done each day to hit your targets ) has a large part of it that must be done before your "real" day starts.

There is a strength that is difficult to explain that happens when you put yourself in power before you deal with any outside problems.

Your mind is clearer and can deal with more stress,

Your body's on fire before it has already gone to work,

Your targets are closer in your mind because you have taken action on them before the rest of the world puts their problems on you.

Your morning matters, it doesn't have to be like mine but if your morning is coffee and Facebook you are being controlled and not in control. And above all, I hate being controlled. I

f you are like me and want to know what a powerful morning looks like and better yet how to get back on track when you've made a mistake. It's all explained inside the Unbreakable golfer's app which is here.

What I suggest you consider is you have the power to make your morning supercharge your day.

You just choose what you want and get up and do it before you do anything else.

The thought that most of the world live the way I got up today blows my mind but at the same time, I can see why 95% of the people on social media are blaming others instead of taking a stand to get better.

It's because they feel they have no control over their results.

Wanna know how we do it.

Go here.

John Seton

Last Minute Golf Fitness

One of the worst things I can do to stop myself getting the results I want is putting stuff off until tomorrow.

There are somethings that I wait until the last minute to put out the fire, it's like I see the flames and shrug my shoulders, I see the smoke and wave my hands to clear it and then look the other way, it's only when the heat from the fire is burning my toes that I actually take the action needed.

This in the past has cost me, time, money and the label of not caring enough, and out of each painful last-minute panic I do learn valuable lessons, just not the lesson of the consequences of leaving everything until the last minute.

That is however unless I have a plan.

If I have a plan I am ruthlessly committed to it.. (As long as I had a hand in building that plan as I hate being told what to do)

It's my MO, my mode of operating. That and the case that there are things I just don't take as seriously as the rest of humanity.

Your consistency and motivation are only governed by how good the plan you have is and a desire to get where you want to go.

Not a deep enough desire and you will put it off.

Not a clear enough "next step action" and you will put it off.

No belief that what you do will get you where you want to go and all the motivation in the world will dry up as soon as you need to stay committed. So what do you do?

1. Decide what you want above all else

2. Take the time to draft an action plan

3. Take action on that plan

4. Assess what needs to change and what needs to stay the same.

Those 4 simple actions alleviate all need for motivation because you do not need to be motivated when you are physically taking action.

Its success is in its simplicity.

Unbreakable Golfers can't tell you what you want, but it will show you exactly how to do all 4, that is if you want to be:

More fit,

More powerful,


And crystal clear on what you need to do to get those results.

The link below will give you more information should you want to not put it off until tomorrow.

Either way, those 4 steps should get you moving unless you want to stay stuck.

John Seton

What Ian Poulter Said About Long Hitters...

What Ian Poulter Said About Long Hitters...

Not sure if you saw the video at the weekend of Ian Poulter. 

He was talking about Bryson Dechambeau and all the other long hitters, and how far the ball goes based on, 

The loft of the club,

Physical training and everything else in-between, While giving his opinion of what needs to happen in the rules of the game if people, want to limit how far the ball can go. 

One of the things I picked up from the video was how it kept referring to golfers as athletes. 

And that all golfers are now athletes.

And yet,

With that, most people will focus on different ways of getting the best out of their own golf game without taking the action an athlete would.

What 99% out of golfers do (outside of being the professional golfers that is)

Is they will buy everything their current favourite pro uses... 

The equipment, 

They will go and see a teacher who teachers the same type of swing method,

They will wear the same hats, 

They will buy the same balls, 

They will buy the same club brands, 

They will buy clothes that are similar 

The shoes that are the same, 

They will BUY everything from top to bottom to get an edge, 

Yet, the one thing they will never ever, ever, do is try and treat their body as though they're an athlete. 

They will emulate an athlete in everything that the athlete does other than what makes him an athlete. 

Now personally, I think this comes from the fact that they do what everyone else does. 

No one else around them does the things an athlete does to look after their body when it comes to golf.

So why would they?

One other thing that Poulter said is the guys are increasing their swing speed to help them use reduced lofted drivers.

Increasing the swing speed is a physical attribute.

If you want to increase your swing speed, you want to focus on how your body delivers the club to the ball.

The one thing that I've noticed about this Bryson Dechambeau thing, and I've said it before is that it seems as though the comments are from the guys that don’t think they can or won’t do the work required to do what these guys are doing. 

When an athlete improves his body and mind they increase their own abilities to use the equipment to get the best out of their game. 

And it's only pros that are willing to invest in their body and their mind to get better rather than just equipment.

And all the other fancy stuff that most golfers buy.

If you're not like that, and you want to find a way that you can improve your body, your mind, your results, the way you look, the way you feel, as well as:

How you eat,

Your temper,

Your sense of progress and to change what you believe is possible, 

Then Unbreakable Golfers might be exactly what you are looking for, if so click on the link below.

If not, then there is a lot of equipment you can buy…… 

John Seton 

Nice one 

Lead The Follower

Lead The Follower

Follow the follower is a term coined in the excellent book “Lead the Field”

Basically, follow the follower is what starts in school and then grows into adult life.

The idea is if you were to look at a school class you would see how a group of kids would:

Dress the same,

Talk the same,

Laugh at the same things whether what happens is funny or not,

And do all the same stuff stupid or not.

Basically doing what everyone else is doing just to fit in.

With no one actually LEADING

But we see it carry over into work, sport and activities.

In golf for example, the industry has convinced us that the newest equipment is the deal-breaker in what’s gonna change for you.

So every year, every equipment maker has new and improved stuff, (sometimes every 6 months)

I’m not saying it’s not improved, my iPhone is better than my last one but it hasn’t changed anything in my ability to make calls,

Watch football clips or

Waste time…

So how can you improve yourself with or without new equipment?

You focus on yourself.

The ability to improve the weak, soon to be painful areas in your body and more importantly<

The way you THINK about what’s possible for YOU..

You can follow the follower or lead yourself.. 

John Seton

Nice one